Page 26 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 26


        BeLoW: MRO operators in  Mexico     global commercial air transport fleet of   2017, up from 0.7 percent in 2012.
        will benefit from availability of   27,957 aircraft.
        trained technicians and personnel                                       Struggling Africa, Plateauing Latin
        and also low cost of labour is         Carriers in the Asia Pacific region have
        another advantage                   been in recovery mode since 2008, when the   America
                                            EBIT margin was - 4.7 percent, but the growth   There is plenty to worry for carriers in Africa,
        BottoM: As the aviation industry    has not been as pronounced as in North   with Berger expecting them to record an EBIT
        is transitions from mature aircraft
        families  to  new  generation       America. Airlines in the region is expected to   margin of -3.6 percent in 2017, down from
        aircraft platforms, MRO operators   register a profit of 5.2 percent, an increase   the - 0.4 percent it recorded  in 2012.  With
        must invest in developing their     of just 0.5 percent from 2012. There is reason   carriers in the Middle East showing signs of
        operations and focus on innovation   for cheer in Europe, with carriers expected   stress, Berger expects the EBIT margin to
        to respond to emerging changes
                                            to  record  an  EBIT  margin  of  4.5  percent  in   go down from three percent in 2012 to just
                                                                                0.7 percent in 2017. Latin American carriers,
                                                                                which boasted the highest profit margin
                                                                                among all regions in 2008 - 2.3 percent - saw
                                                                                the number decline to 1.5 percent in 2012. The
                                                                                profit margin is expected to increase in 2017,
                                                                                but only by a modest 2.9 percent.

                                                                                Investing in Capital, Employees
                                                                                The good news is that much of the profits is
                                                                                being funneled back into the industry. Eager
                                                                                to gain an edge over their competitors,
                                                                                airlines have been investing significantly
                                                                                in two key areas - capital improvement and
                                                                                keeping  their employees  happy. At  least
                                                                                three North American airlines - Delta Airlines,
                                                                                Southwest Airlines and United Airlines - have
                                                                                given their pilots significant increases. Forty
                                                                                percent of the profit went to investors, with
                                                                                16 percent used for debt repayments and 26
                                                                                percent for stock buyback and dividends.
                                                                                   Airlines have also been on the lookout
                                                                                for partnerships that make sense, and have
                                                                                not been shy when it comes to grabbing
                                                                                investment opportunities. “Etihad Airways
                                                                                has been investing around the globe,” said
                                                                                Berger. “Delta Airlines is investing more in
                                                                                Aero Mexico.”
                                                                                Expect Modest Fleet Growth, Faster
                                                                                MRO Growth
                                                                                Berger expects global fleet growth to grow
                                                                                at an annual rate of 3.2 percent over the next
                                                                                ten  years,  with  the  driving  factors  being
                                                                                the phasing out of ageing aircraft and the
                                                                                increased demand for air travel.  The total
                                                                                number of aircraft, which is almost 28,000
                                                                                now, is expected to touch 38,100 by 2026.
                                                                                According to ICF, the air transport MRO
                                                                                market will hit the $100 billion mark in 2026,
                                                                                growing at a compound annual growth rate
                                                                                (CAGR) of 4.1% in the period from the current
                                                                                $67.6 billion.  The Asian market is now the
                                                                                largest at 30 percent, with North America
        26   MAINTENANCE REPAIR OVERHAUL  APRIL / MAY 2017                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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