Page 32 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 32


        Carving a Niche

        MRO Middle East and aircraft Interiors Middle East (aIME)

        By Atul Chandra

        tHe 2017 edition oF Mro MiddLe eAst   Joe Leader CEO, Airline Passenger Experience   category for the new ‘Octaspring Lightweight
        and Aircraft Interiors Middle East (AIME)   Association (APEX). Hence, there will be   Seat Cushion’. Speaking to Asian Airlines
        lived up to its billing as one of the premier   a greater focus on  increasingly advanced   &  Aerospace  at  AIME,  Marjan  Trobis  CEO
        trade shows in the region, with more than 300   aircraft mood lighting, airline specific scents in   Boxmark  said,  “We  have  developed  a  new
        exhibitors and 4,500 trade visitors attending   the short term and in the medium to long-term   kind of foam called ‘Octa Spring’ and we have
        the two-day event at Dubai World Trade Centre.   we will see the emergence of photorealistic   received very good feedback for it. Airbus
        AIME which is the sole aircraft interiors event   LED  cabin  ceilings/walls,  self-darkening  is looking at the developments related to
        in the Middle East provided an insight into the   skylights/sidelights and artificial intelligence   ‘Octa Spring’ very closely. We will finish the
        latest trends in aircraft interiors and in-flight   pico protectors. Commenting on the need for   porotype by the end of 2017 and development
        entertainment (IFE). Discussions and talks   airlines to quickly adapt to what he calls the   should be completed by the next two years.”
        held at the event, highlighted the advances   ‘Hyper-Connected Airline’, Leader says, “Change   “We would like to bring the quality and
        made in the passenger experience by airlines   and technology either destroy airlines or   comfort of our leather upholstery from the
        over the last few decades. Commonplace   become an inflection point to gain advantage.”   auto  industry  to  the  aviation  industry.  We
        today, in-seat video on demand is now close to                          have been very successful over the past three
        a quarter of century in existence, after it first  Boxmark              years and have already started supplying to
        appeared on jetliners in the early 90’s. While   One of the participants at AIME was Austrian   big aviation groups. You can find our seats in
        the other passenger related advancements   leather seating supplier Boxmark, which was   the high-end aircraft and we are developing
        over the last few decades, have focussed on   showcasing  its  aviation  seating  offerings.   seats with Lufthansa for First Class Cabins
        tangible aspects such as; full-flat business   Studio Moderna BI/Boxmark d.o.o and their   and working with Recaro Aircraft Seating
        class seats, wi-fi connectivity on aircraft, LED   cooperation partners Airbus & Stelia, have   and Zodiac Aerospace for Business Class
        lighting,  the coming  years will  see  a greater   also emerged Crystal Cabin Award 2017   and Economy Class seats,” he says.  The
        focus on the intangible aspects according to   finalists in the ‘Material & Components’   company also showcased its “Luxury

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