Page 29 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
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        possibilities for MRO companies as well. “The  Ready for the Challenge  geopolitical issues to prevent people
        leasing companies are almost 50 percent of   New generation aircraft, with their high-tech   from traveling. Fuel prices were very
        the world fleet,” says Vandedrinck. “There are   engines, will require high-tech repairs.  The   attractive.  There were no real labour
        a lot of leasing companies in the U.S. even   transition does not faze  Vandedrinck. “The   union issues. Everything kind of came
        though they also have their offices in Dublin. I   new aircraft won’t be coming in for repair   together. Fuel prices are going up now.
        work closely with my counterparts in Europe   for some time yet, but there is definitely a   Economies are maybe slowing down.
        to make sure that we address the needs of   change,” she says. “787 is more composite   People are maybe traveling less.”  The
        the leasing companies. That is a nice market   than an old 757 or 767. New skills have to be   slowing down will not affect the MRO
        with specific needs. That is a constant market   learned. But one should not forget that there   industry much, says Vandedrinck. “Aircraft
        that does not change. Our ability to do it all   is still a lot of metal in a composite aircraft.     still need maintenance.  Will carriers  take
        gives us a major advantage over many other   We don’t look at the transition as a problem.   new aircraft or will they defer them? It all
        MRO companies.”                     We will remain aligned with our OEMs and   depends on the airlines; all of them have
                                            continue  to train our  people.”  Vandedrinck   different philosophies. Retirements are
        Competing Against Airline MROs      acknowledges that with OEMs expanding   not high; the operator may change, but
        Vandedrinck concedes that airline MROs may   into aftermarket services, the competitive   the aircraft keeps flying. There is always a
        have an advantage over third party MROs   MRO landscape is changing. “At SR Technics,   market for those types of aircraft.”
        in some ways. She, however, believes that   we acknowledge the need to be more agile,
        it is not an insurmountable hurdle. “Airline   and we work closely with our customers to
        MROs have a base load; they have their own   remain focused on the factors which are   While  new  generation
        airline,” she said. “They also have very deep   important to them,” she says. “This includes   jetliners such as the A350
        alliances with certain airlines.  That is hard,   stronger  partnerships  with  our  major   and 787 make extensive use
                                                                                of composites, there are still
        as an independent MRO, to compete against.   customers as well as with OEMs.”   plenty of metal parts and
        That being said, we continue to fish in the                             the bulk of the aircraft are
        same pool. As a third-party MRO, we do not   Optimistic About the Future  years away from overhauls,
        have preferred customers; we treat everyone   It would be unrealistic to expect a repeat   allowing MRO firms time
                                                                                to prepare themselves for
        the same. If you are an airlines MRO, do you?   of  2016,  says  Vandedrinck.  “People   overhaul work on these
        I don’t know.”                      were traveling; there weren’t any major   aircraft
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