Page 45 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 45

                                                                                                      MRO TREN

        physical aircraft. The length of the practical   savings and return on investment for the  Pushing the Technology
        training course since the introduction of the   MRO industry will be staggering,” he said.   Instead of waiting for the technologies to
        technology? A mere five days.       “As companies are able to migrate from the   catch on among companies in the industry,
                                            paper driven approach of today to leveraging   Optech4D has chosen to adopt a proactive
        Guarded Response                    VR and AR technology, the impact will happen   approach.  The company had launched an
        The spike in interest among MRO companies   much more rapidly than expected. AR and VR   “Ignite Innovation” program that provides
        in such technologies is yet to translate   solutions allow you to affirm that the millions   companies access to fully functional VR and
        to any real action, concedes Higgins. “   of dollars spent on training and development   AR applications along with representative
        Many companies are exploring  VR and AR   programs  each  year  is  money  well  spent.”   VR and AR technology (tablet, VR headset,
        technologies but are unsure where to start,”   “Virtual reality can have a very high return on   AR smart glasses).   The initiative gives
        he says. “They are exploring the options   investment compared to traditional training   companies a chance to explore the
        around purchasing technology and building   approaches,” added Higgins. “We see cost   technologies without significant cash outlay.
        solutions themselves, funding pilot projects,   savings as a major factor for consideration.   It also includes access to an industry specific
        or taking a wait-and-see approach.   They   The ability to provide highly realistic   user group  where companies  can  bounce
        know they need to do something but are not   environments in a virtual world is much   ideas off each other, thus bringing VR and AR
        sure what.” Brian Kushner, Managing Director   less  expensive than recreating  a  hazardous   into the aviation industry mainstream.
        at FTI Consulting, is yet to be convinced that   environment in the real world.” Dirk de Waart,
        the technologies will become commonplace   Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting,
        in the MRO infrastructure anytime soon.   however, isn’t ready to give his opinion just
        “I think it is more a technology push at the   yet. “Airlines and MROs all over the world are
        moment than a demand pull from the MRO   very pragmatic and finance driven,” he said.
        side.  We have been hearing about VR and AR   “They are willing to look at new technologies,   The growth in VR and AR technology
        for a while now.”                   but there has to be a positive payback. How   will hasten the migration from
                                            much money will it save? That is something   today’s paper based approach
        A Money Saver?                      we are yet to find out.”            and has the potential to generate
                                                                                significant savings on training and
        Higgins certainly believes so. “The cost                                development programmes
                                                                                             MAINTENANCE REP
                                                                                                       AIR O

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