Page 47 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 47


        RIGHT: Domestic MRO units in
        China are well equipped to handle
        the overhaul needs for current
        aircraft models in operation

        OPPOSITE  BOTTOM:  OEMs  are
        now starting to establish their own
        maintenance networks, offering
        hourly  repair  and  innovative
        maintenance models to attract
        entire group.  The most widely used engine   foreign OEMs for repair. At the same time,   and  repairs.  Among  the  286  units  engaged
        models in the Chinese market are CFM56   OEMs are now starting to establish their   in fuselage maintenance, 177 units perform
        series (59.96 percent),  V2500 series (18.69   own maintenance network, implementing   only fuselage maintenance, 86 engage in line
        percent) and RB211 series (7.76 percent). At   hourly repair and other maintenance models   maintenance only. Domestic  maintenance
        present, the 60 domestic maintenance units   to attract customers, and constantly expand   units have already equipped the overhaul
        capable of engine repairs can meet the basic   towards the maintenance realm.  There are   capability for most aircraft models currently
        maintenance and overhaul demand of the   13 repairing units for propeller maintenance,   in operation, except Boeing 747-8 (introduced
        main domestically-used engines types and   such as  Wuhan Hangda, Maintenance   in 2014) and Boeing 787-8 models (in use
        variants. These engine models include CFM56   factory of CAAC Flying College, Harbin   recently), and can meet the basic domestic
        series,  V2500 series, RB211 series, CF34   Xinlong, Sichuan Aote and other units,   fuselage maintenance demand. China’s four
        series and PW4000 series. Other models   mainly targeting general aviation customers   major airlines have already established joint
        of engines are sent to foreign maintenance   to provide propeller repair and renovation   ventures  in the  fuselage overhaul  industry,
        units for repair and renovation. As the engine   business.  There are 129 service units for   setting up companies such as Air China
        maintenance industry is characterised by   special operations maintenance, providing   Ameco, China Southern Airlines GAMECO,
        technical monopoly of the Original Equipment   special services for non-destructive testing,   China Eastern Airlines STARCO and Hainan
        Manufacturer (OEMs): the threshold of entry   spraying, heat treatment, electroplating and   Airlines GCAM, providing maintenance for
        is relatively high and thus the number of   welding.                    their fleets while undertaking many domestic
        industry maintenance units is relatively low,   The total number of maintenance units   and foreign third-party aircraft overhaul
        the depth of maintenance capacity relatively   approved by CAAC is 838, of which 393 are   businesses.  For  aircraft  modification
        limited. Hence domestic demand for engine   foreign / regional maintenance units, 445 are   services,  for  example,  passenger-to-
        maintenance  remains  large and  the future   domestic ones (including 45 maintenance   freighter conversion, companies capable of
        market potential for engine MRO remains   units from transport airlines),  and 126 are   providing such services are TAECO (Xiamen
        relatively big in China.            JMM approved maintenance units (Including   Taigu), STAECO (Shandong  Taigu), Ameco
           In 2015, there were 214 domestic   19 from Hong Kong and Macao).  Among the   Chengdu Branch and GAMECO.
        repairing  units  engaged  in  component   445 maintenance units operating under the
        maintenance, out of which 100 were   CCAR-145  Department,  286  can  engage
        performing component repairs only. China’s   in  fuselage  maintenances  and  repairs
        parts and accessories maintenance industry   (including line maintenance), 60 can engage
        is still dominated by domestic business, with   in power  unit maintenances  and repairs,
        limited international business and relative   13 can engage in propeller maintenances
        lack of core repair capacity. Due to OEM,   and repairs, 214 can engage in component
        technical information and other restrictions,   maintenances and repairs, and 129 can
        some products still need to be sent to   engage in special operations maintenances
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                   JANUARY / MARCH 2017  MAINTENANCE REPAIR OVERHAUL  47
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