Page 5 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 5



          78                                SPACE
                                            78 | Seeking Own Space Odyssey

                                            US reliance on Russia for space station travel to end in 2017

                                            REGIONAL AIRLINES
                                            80 | Level Flight

                                            After  a period of  breathless expansion,  2017  will be  a year of  consolidation  for
                                            airlines in the Middle-East

                              86            INTERVIEW

                                            86 |  Cashless Travel

                                            As digital sales boom, all eyes turn to Asian Airlines for trends in payments, booking
                                            and mobile-centric travel

                                            88 |  NEWS

                                            92 |  Back to the Future

                                            Airlines are already looking at addressing tomorrow’s challenges

                                            94 |  A New Turkish Delight
          92                                The first Eurasia Airshow, which will be held in Antalya from April 25 to April 28 next

                                            year aims to create a new business platform for the aerospace industry in the region

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