Page 27 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 27


        Far in the Distance

        China and Russia formally inaugurate new long-range widebody jetliner programme
        By Atul Chandra

        stAte oWned ComPAnies beLonging to
        China and Russia have formally inaugurated
        a Long Range Widebody Commercial Aircraft
        Programme joint venture which has been
        given the name China-Russia Commercial
        Aircraft  International  Co.,  Ltd.  (CRAIC).
        China’s Commercial Aircraft Corporation
        of China, Ltd (COMAC) and Russia’s United
        Aircraft Corporation of Russia (UAC) are
        taking  part  in  the  new  JV,  which  will  be
        responsible  for  the  development  of  a  new
        generation long range wide body jetliner. The
        JV will also handle commercial operations
        related to the aircraft and was inked in June
        2016. Aircraft development is expected
        to take a decade and first deliveries are
        planned for 2028.
            Current plans call for a stretched and
        shortened series of long-range widebody
        commercial aircraft, with a basic range of
        12,000 km and three-class seating for 280
        passengers.  The preliminary design phase
        is expected to start soon. CRAIC as the   but simple, despite China’s burning ambition   of 4075 km, the extended range version will
        programme operator and main manufacturer   to  be  seen  as  an  aircraft  manufacturing  it   be able to fly 5555 km. According to COMAC,
        will be responsible for product and   its  own  right  and  its  willingness  to  invest   third-generation aluminium-lithium alloys
        technology development, manufacturing,   large sums  of manpower and money into   and composite materials account for 26.2
        marketing,  sales  and  customer  service,   such  projects.  Russian  designed  and  built   percent  of  the  C919s  weight.  One  of  the
        consulting, programme management and   commercial  aircraft  have  been less  than   major partners in the C919 programme is
        other related fields. Final assembly of   successful in attracting interest from mature   Safran, which has supplied the complete
        the aircraft will take place in Shanghai.   and developing aircraft markets, however,   propulsion system, comprising the LEAP-1C
        “The establishment of CRAIC marking an   China’s large domestic market could result in   engine from CFM International, nacelle and
        important  progress for  the Long Range   sizeable orders for the new widebody jetliner   thrust reverser from Nexcelle. COMAC was
        Wide Body Commercial Aircraft Program.   type or at the very least allow Chinese   the first aircraft manufacturer to choose
        COMAC and UAC shall cooperate and unit   carriers to force better discounts on jetliner   the LEAP engine, which is the sole Western
        as one, …… in accordance with international   purchases from Airbus and Boeing. COMAC   powerplant on the C919. CAE’s 7000 Series
        mainstream  airworthiness  standards,  also has substantial experience working with   Full Flight Simulators (FFSs) have also been
        we will develop a competitive long range   Western OEMs on aircraft programmes such   supplied for the C919.
        wide body commercial aircraft, provide   as the ARJ21 and C919.
        a better service to the airlines and more   The C919 undertook its maiden flight
        contribution to the global aviation market,”   in May, completing a flight of one hour 19   The  China-Russia  Commercial
        said COMAC Chairman Jin Zhuanglong   minutes duration and reached an altitude   Aircraft International Co., Ltd.
        at the inaugral event. “We would like to   of 3,000 metres.  The second flight test   (CRAIC) will design and develop
        develop the wide body aircraft together,   aircraft is scheduled  to complete  the first   a new Family of long-range
        ensure the performance of manufacturing,   flight in the second half of the year. A   that will be available in stretched
        operation, after sale’s service, marketing   total of six prototypes will be part of the   and  shortened  series.  Initial
        and sales, etc,” said UAC President  Yury   developmental flight testing effort.  The   information on the type mentions
        Slyusar. Development of the proposed   C919 can seat between 158-168 passengers   a three-class seating layout for 280
                                                                                passengers and a basic range of
        aircraft family is expected to be anything   and while the standard version has a range   12,000 km
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