Page 30 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 30


        MRO NEWS
        MRO N      EWS      AND    U PD  A TES

                                                                                Unisys Launches AirCore
                                                                                Passenger Service Solutions
          SR Technics Enhances A350, A320neo MRO Capability                     Unisys Corporation has launched a new
          Leading MRO provider, SR  Technics has   Geneva line stations are now also equipped   suite of advanced transportation cloud-
          expanded its line maintenance capabilities   to handle everything from routine checks   based solutions, that are the latest
          for Airbus A350 and A320neo in Zurich and   to major overhauls on the A320neo (LEAP   additions to Unisys’ AirCore passenger
          Geneva. The company’s Zurich line station and   engine). Later this summer, London Gatwick,   services suite. “We’ve employed a
          Geneva station have extended their capabilities   the company’s largest line station, will also   highly-automated,  customer-centric
          of servicing the Airbus A350 and Zurich and   begin offering services for these aircraft.   approach to tackling some of the key
                                                                                issues facing today’s airlines,” said
                                                                                Dheeraj Kohli, vice president and global
          Sabena technics Joins ACJ Service Network                             head of  Travel and  Transportation for
                                            for ACJ customers and operators. “Airbus   Unisys. “Our first-of-their-kind AirCore
                                            corporate jet customers and operators have   solutions transform how airlines engage
                                            access  to a skilled  and growing network   with customers, delivering best-in-class
                                            to which they can entrust their aircraft    customer service even when things go
                                            for upgrades, services and maintenance,   wrong and leveraging customer insights
                                            helping to ensure value retention as well   to identify and create opportunities
                                            as reliability and availability,” says Benoit   for revenue generation and growth.”
                                            Defforge, Managing Director, Airbus   The new solutions will allow airlines
                                            Corporate Jets.  The ACJ Service Centre   to optimise their sales and customer
                                            network now comprises Comlux America in   service capabilities across all aspects of
          Sabena technics will join the ACJ Service   Indianapolis, HAECO Private Jet Solutions   the passenger journey, while providing
          Centre network and its maintenance,   in Xiamen, Jet Aviation in Basle and Dubai,   carriers with the ability to streamline
          repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities   Sabena technics in Bordeaux, Sepang   disruption  management,  leverage
          in Bordeaux now join a list of Airbus-  Aircraft Engineering (SAE) in Kuala Lumpur   predictive analytics for personalized
          approved facilities around the world   and ST Aerospace in Singapore.   offerings and build customer loyalty.

                                            AFI KLM E&M and Malaysia Airlines Extend Cooperation
                                            Malaysia Airlines and AFI KLM E&M have   The Group has deployed tailored solutions,
                                            renewed a 737-800 component support   guaranteeing our operational continuity,
                                            contract.  The new agreement further   so it was a logical decision to extend our
                                            extends an original contract that was signed   cooperation,” said Paul Kear,  Technical
                                            in  2010  and will  see  AFI  KLM  E&M offer   Director Malaysia Airlines. While originally
                                            component support for the airline’s fleet of   intended to deliver component support for
                                            Boeing  Next-Generation  737-800  jetliners.   35 aircraft, AFI KLM E&M today provides
                                            “The support implemented by AFI KLM E&M   component support for 54 aircraft and the
                                            for our fleet of 737-800s stands out both for   new contract will cover a wider range of
                                            its service quality and its responsiveness.   Part Numbers (P/N).

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