Page 27 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 27


        and digital troubleshooting. Modernising   spending in Asia Pacific is expected to grow   Engineering Company, which had had to deal
        the MRO curriculum, which hasn’t changed   at 4.4 percent annually during the period.  with a labor shortage for years. Industry
        significantly in decades, therefore assumes   China’s growth will be more pronounced,   observers  feel that increasing  wages  and
        critical importance.                with the industry forecast to grow 10.1   making  aviation  technician  jobs  attractive
                                            percent annually; the country is expected   is the only long-term solution to solving the
        Fleet Growth and Asia Pacific       to increase its market size by more than   shortage of AMTs in region.           Countries
        According  to  Oliver  Wyman’s  2017  160 percent in the next ten years.  However,   in the region  have woken up to the need
        assessment and 10-year outlook for the   the infrastructure and capacity bottlenecks   to address the paucity of skilled labor and
        commercial airline transport fleet and MRO   that the country is facing, as well as rising   ensure that the industry keeps pace with the
        market, the global commercial airline fleet is   labour costs, will ensure a spilling over of   expected fleet growth.  In August this year,
        forecast to grow from nearly 25,000 aircraft   maintenance activities to other countries in   the Civil Aviation Training Center of Thailand
        at the beginning of 2017 to over 35,000 by   the region, experts say.   (CATC), which is working with Airbus and
        2027. According to the study, the major   The challenge  for  MRO companies in   Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC)
        growth engine will be Asia, especially China   China and India will be unique.  While the   on  aviation  training,  signed  a  MOU  with
        and India with their growing middle class,   induction of new airplanes will bring down   ENAC to create a strategic aviation training
        which will become the largest region, nearly   the average aircraft age in other regions, the   partnership in Thailand. The two parties will
        doubling in in-service fleet.       burgeoning demand in the two countries will   work for the development of academic joint
           Industry experts believe that the paucity   ensure that existing aircraft stay in service   Master and Advanced Master degrees in the
        of skilled labor in Asia Pacific will result in   longer, thus resulting in the ageing of the   field.  ENAC, one of the leading aeronautics
        MRO companies in the region struggling to   fleet. This translates to a greater emphasis   and aviation universities in Europe, has
        handle  the  additional  activity  that  will  be   on aircraft maintenance programs and   also signed training agreements with the
        generated because of the fleet growth. Even   additional MRO activity.  Indonesian Ministry of Transportation as well
        now, some carriers and MRO operators in the                             as the Civil Aviation Authorities of Vietnam
        region have been known to fly in technicians  Not Enough Skilled Labour  and Philippines.  The intent is to ensure a
        from other regions, but experts do not think   According to experts, one of the main reasons   healthy pipeline of not just technicians but
        such practice is financially viable.  for the aviation labor shortage in Asia   also engineers and other industry personnel.
           By 2027, the combined MRO demand   Pacific is that companies do not pay enough.   The  Hong  Kong  International  Aviation
        in  the  Asia  Pacific,  China,  and  India  will  be   Aviation technicians, for long underpaid, have   Academy, which opened last this year
        more than double that in North America, says   in recent years, increasingly started to move   with the purpose of attracting new talent
        Oliver Wyman. While MRO spend in India is   on to other industries that pay more and   to  the  aeronautical  industry  in  China  and
        forecast to grow 6.7 percent annually over   where their skills are in demand. Among the   establishing Hong Kong as a regional training
        the period, it will still have only a 2 percent   aviation  maintenance  companies  that  have   center of excellence in civil aviation, is
        - 3 percent share of the global market. MRO   suffered  as a  result  is  Hong Kong  Aircraft    also taking steps to address the situation.

                                                                                oPPosite  toP:  Modernising
                                                                                the MRO curriculum, which
                                                                                hasn’t changed significantly in
                                                                                decades is of critical importance
                                                                                to cater for the entry of new
                                                                                airplanes  and  attendant
                                                                                technological advances in MRO
                                                                                LeFt:  Increasing wages and
                                                                                making aviation technician jobs
                                                                                attractive is the only long-term
                                                                                solution to solving the shortage
                                                                                of AMTs in region
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2017  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  27
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