Page 24 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
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patent application describes a device and a in terms of distance, speed, or movement, a UAV solution able to perform inspection
procedure, which allow the milling accuracy for example. It also helps us to accurately flights using an autonomous trajectory
of the robot to be increased considerably. identify the origin of any problems around the aircraft thanks to laser positioning
Lufthansa Technik says its current plan is encountered so that we can better remedy technology and integrated sensors. In the
to put the stationary systems into operation them,” he explains. For clients, that means automatic flight phase, the drone detects
by fall 2018. The first CAIRE robotic system an earlier return of their part, better-quality and locates defects on technical markings
will be used by the MRO’s Airframe Related processes, and cost savings. and/or lightning strikes, and downloads the
Components (ARC) unit for structural data in real time to an operator, along with
components. Lufthansa Technik is working on Multiple Applications metadata such as the camera position.”
industrialising the mobile system. “Targeted Using 3D modeling, AFI KLM E&M currently Following an initial campaign involving
use of the scarf joining robot not only results employs robotics for several applications some 50 test flights around A320s, AFI
in cost and time savings; the new procedure and continues to increasingly diversify its KLM E&M is embarking on a second, more
also significantly increases quality, since uses. For its inspections, the engine shop intensive campaign, with two flights a week
it makes entirely new repair geometries operates an automated, non-destructive over a period of five months designed to
possible,” Dr. Schmutzler adds. testing robot that uses ultrasound. A robotic confirm and test system reliability.
Other related robotics and automation laser cladder has also been developed, which “The system has significant potential in
projects recently completed by LHT can even be used as a 3D printer. “These are terms of effectiveness, cost reduction, and
include AutoInspect—which resulted in only the first applications in a fast growing traceability,” says Kornberg. “Effectiveness
automating the inspection process for field where robots could tomorrow be because it means a 20-minute inspection
engine components into a single step— used for automated transport, washing, or phase compared with the current five hours,
and AutoRep—which integrated robots painting, etc,” Rijpkema adds. without tying up qualified technicians. It cuts
in the process chain for repairing engine costs because in addition to shortening AOG
components. Hawk-Eye to Inspect Aircraft times, it does not necessarily involve towing
Another leading MRO major, AFI KLM Another application of robotics, using the aircraft to a hangar and can be performed
E&M, is developing the use of robots to drones, is also being explored as a potential outside. The data are traceable, because all
carry out certain particularly repetitive way of performing aircraft inspections. data harvested by the drone are stored in a
tasks in challenging environments, at its Among the most prominent early adopters secure Cloud environment that is accessible
engine shop in Amsterdam. As part of AFI of the technology is UK-based low-cost at all times.”
KLM E&M’s MRO Lab programme, the carrier easyJet, which began trials of The objective is to integrate this
Amsterdam engine shop implemented 3D inspections using drones on its Airbus A320 inspection method as part of a maintenance
design based machining in 2013. In 2015, fleet in 2014 at its main base at Luton Airport program at the end of the test period, and
this way of virtual, offline programming was in the UK. As part of its MRO Lab Adaptive AFI KLM E&M will market it in partnership
introduced to the plasma process carried Innovations program, AFI KLM E&M is with Donecle to the client airlines of its global
out by a 9-axis robot. Plasma spraying was undertaking trials of an automated aircraft MRO network. Recenty, AFI KLM E&M also
previously carried out manually, requiring inspection system using an Unmanned became the first anchor partner with Ramco
severe safety measures due to the presence Aerial Vehicle (UAV), or drone. Systems or Ramco, to build an engineering
of ultra-high temperatures, and metal James Kornberg, AIR FRANCE KLM lab - the first of its kind in Asia - to develop
powder. “A great success in terms of both Director Engineering & Maintenance advanced aviation IT solutions such as
safety and effectiveness, the introduction Innovation, says, “In partnership with wearables for ground engineers and drones
of this first robot has since paved the way Donecle, a start-up, AFI KLM E&M is trialing to inspect aircraft on the tarmac. Supported
for new breakthroughs in the development
of engine repairs in the Amsterdam shop,”
says Ruben Rijpkema, Program Manager
Repair Development.
Increased Effectiveness
“Safer, more accurate, faster; the main
strength of robots is that they can repeat The use of UAV’s to perform
inspection flights will soon be
a task indefinitely with the same degree of commonplace. The use of laser
accuracy and quality,” Rijpkema says.”Virtual positioning technology and
programming of machines, combined with integrated sensors will allow the
the analysis of the data they generate drone to operate in automatic
flight phase to detect and locate
while executing the task, helps identify the defects on technical markings and/
best parameters for performing the task or lightning strikes