Page 33 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 33
the existing strengths in science and
technology research capabilities, further
allows companies to leverage industry
aligned research institutes and universities
as well as a growing pool of research talent
to enhance their manufacturing and MRO
activities through innovation. Developing
new IP products and competences through
R&D and innovation is paramount for the
country’s continued growth and international
leading position.
Ramesh Siva Subramanian, Head
Innovation Lab, Ramco Systems said, “With
emerging opportunities and constantly
developing R&D, Infrastructure and Manpower,
Singapore today is the most comprehensive
aerospace MRO hub in Asia. Supported by a
highly skilled manpower base and home to over
100 aerospace companies, Singapore has the
right foundation for aerospace and aviation
companies not just to carry out businesses
Manpower Crisis be done by the Civil Aviation Authority of but also expand. This was among the key
The country’s MRO industry is also seen Singapore (CAAS) on FAA’s behalf. This factors that led to Ramco powering ‘The MRO
under constant manpower cost pressure, makes it easier for Singapore based firms Lab Singapore’ for Air France Industries KLM
as cheaper MRO alternatives are readily to expand their range of services for US Engineering & Maintenance co-funded by
available in the region. Although a significant carriers. The BASA also acts as a barrier Singapore Government. Right from Artificial
amount has to be set aside for the increasing for other countries to compete for these Intelligence, Robotics, Gesture Computing,
labour cost, it is the turnaround time (TAT) services,” added Tanjavuru. Wearable devices to the latest Blockchain
that gives the country an edge. According technology and Augmented Reality, the lab has
to Tanjavuru, “If a player in Singapore can R&D Edge been churning out innovative use cases that
service an aircraft and deliver it in 30 days as Going forward, R&D and innovation will be address the global aviation business needs.”
compared to say 50 days by another player the key aspects that can help Singapore There is no doubt that Asia has redrawn
located in some other country, then it might maintain its edge. Technologies such as the face of global aviation, however, the
make sense for the customer to pay a higher Internet of things, big data analytics, climb is very fast paced. With time, as
cost to the former because the customer can additive manufacturing and automation systems and processes become more
then fly the aircraft for those 20 extra days are disrupting the industry worldwide. Data complex, it may be tough to keep pace.
and generate profits that can offset the extra driven systems are gaining more prominence Singapore is well placed to provide the
cost.” TAT is seen as a prime factor in defining by the day. Tanjavuru further said, “We at training facilities required to meet this
the leader of the race. With new generation Frost & Sullivan are seeing a lot of interest demand for engineers and technicians but
jetliners that are raising the game in fuel in emerging areas such as predictive necessary courses and training programs
efficiency and travel comfort, and increasing maintenance, aircraft health monitoring have to be in place to prevent the country
air traffic year on year, the MRO industry is and the usage or drones and robots in MRO. from falling short. To facilitate this,
being continuously tested. Airlines and their Development of these emerging capabilities continuing collaboration with the industry
fleet in service want the best in class MRO can add more fuel to the already growing will ensure that the curriculum stays relevant
treatment and the shortest TAT possible at sector. There have been some developments and the industry keeps getting the necessary
the same time. It is a space which is easily in Singapore in the area with Ramco Systems manpower for its growth. Currently with
filled up with the efficiency and quality and Air France Industries KLM Engineering & over 1,700 aerospace graduates per year,
provided by the country’s MRO companies. Maintenance have also joined hands to set up the Singapore government is investing
Another important factor that adds a an MRO IT lab in Singapore. Rolls-Royce and heavily in developing the professionals of
feather to Singapore’s cap is the Bilateral Nanyang Technological University are also the future, and has a strong relationship
Safety Agreements (BASA) that Singapore investing a further S$75 million for R&D in with the aerospace industry and country’s
has. “For example, the agreement with US the Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab.” educational institutions.
Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) leads to The flourishing aerospace R&D
time and cost savings as inspections can landscape in Singapore, that taps into