Page 38 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 38


        Seismic Shift

        Smart solutions using Artificial

        Intelligence (Machine Learning)

             rtificial intelligence (AI) is making   and  also  progressed  significantly  in  AI
             rapid strides in all walks of   digital initiatives to its top global aircraft
        A life.  While science fiction often   manufacturing customers. 
        portrays AI as robots with human-like   One of the world leaders in aircraft
        characteristics,  AI  can  encompass  industry approached us with a problem
        anything from Google’s search algorithms   in design engineering that was taking a
        to IBM’s Watson to autonomous weapons.   lot of time to provide a design solution
        There are literally unlimited opportunities   with the existing established process.    was faced with the situation of more time
        to apply this technique in the real world   Tech Mahindra with its team of domain   in quality control in their shop floor.  The
        with a multitude of benefits to derive from.   specialists and AI experts recommended   current  job involves  a quality  inspector
        All industry verticals be it automotive,   a solution to this complex design problem   to go through 100 percent sampling
        transportation, medical,  oil  and gas,   using Machine Learning.    The amazing   checks (in this case it is mandatory) of the
        energy sector have realised the potential   performance of the Machine Learning   manufactured part.  This has an impact on
        of AI in the recent past and have now   algorithm based on a supervised solution   the productivity, hence Machine Learning
        started embracing it.   There are multiple   using  platform  agnostic  software,  techniques were deployed for this.    The
        forms, subsets of AI that can be suited and   provided outstanding results to this   algorithm  scans the inspection quality
        adapted to a variety of problems to get   otherwise highly complex problem.   It   reports of the part and prepares a signature
        the right set of benefits.          analyses huge data points of the previous   corresponding to it. At the first level, it
           The aerospace domain is mainly driven   similar situations and provides the closest   reads the scans and decides whether the
        by the need for quality and processes   solution mimicking human knowledge and   quality is good and the part can be passed.
        which are tested, qualified and certified   awareness.    The  algorithm  learns on  the   In case the first level scan doesn’t lead
        over decades.   Any new technology that   data it has and equips itself for the job.  At   to a decision, it refers  to  more  detailed
        needs  to  be  implemented  in  this  domain   the same time if the situation is unknown,   scans of the part till the robust algorithm
        has to be well matured.  AI which has shown   the algorithm indicates the need to go for   converges on the size of the defect.  The
        a prevalent and dominating presence in   manual intervention.  The results tested   accuracy of the AI tool in determining the
        other engineering domains  has made its   for a variety of conditions are robust and   defect and extent of defect is close to 98
        positive impact even in aerospace.  Almost   encouraging.  Tech Mahindra is now gearing   percent.   Many more features are being
        all top global aircraft manufacturers have   up for an increased scope of deployment   added to make this AI tool more powerful.
        started seriously thinking to implement   of this tool within the customer network.     In future,  AI is  going to be  a strong
        AI in any possible way in their industry,   It helps the customer in reducing the cycle   digital technique that will change the face
        be it in shop floor, design engineering,   time by almost 30 percent and improving   of engineering in all industry verticals
        quality etc.,  Tech Mahindra which has   the quality by more than 50 percent.  through its strong machine learning
        already  established  digital  initiatives   Another North  American  aircraft   algorithms that benefits the customer
        like IoT, robotics, Augmented Reality   component manufacturer and supplier   in cutting  down the  cost, cycle  time and
        and  Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Industry 4.0   of parts to the aircraft industry worldwide   improving productivity and quality.    The
                                                                                beauty of AI is that it can be coupled with
        All industry verticals be it automotive,                                other powerful digital solutions like AR
                                                                                and VR, Big Data and Industry 4.0 for even
        transportation, medical, oil and gas, energy                            greater benefit.

        sector have realised the potential of AI in the
        recent past and have now started embracing it.                          Nagendra   Vyamajala,   Aerospace
                                                                                Engineering Practice, Tech Mahindra
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