Page 4 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 4
Moving Ahead Editor
Vittorio Rossi Prudente
The aviation industry is of vital importance to the Asia-Pacific region as a source of Deputy Editor
both jobs and economic activity. Indeed, the 34 million jobs and US$700 billion of Jay Menon
economic activity that the industry generates is to more than double by 2037. Curiously
though, despite the potentially huge benefits of unshackling the sector from regulatory Bangalore Bureau Chief
constraints, Asian nations have not done enough to spur growth. Poor infrastructure Atul Chandra
and the resultant bottlenecks at airports in Bangkok, Manila and Jakarta have also
hobbled growth. There are many more airports in the region that are suffering from Singapore Bureau Chief
infrastructural problems. Aprajita Anil
US Bureau Chief
India, for long the under-performer amongst Asian nations when it came to its domestic Arun Sivasankaran
aviation industry, is slowly shaking off the robe of a laggard in terms of airlines, aircraft arun
orders, customer service and airport infrastructure. India’s airlines continued to Contributors
order aircraft in 2017, with a thrust towards regional transport aircraft, with sizable Geoffrey Thomas, Subodh Agarwal
orders given to ATR and Bombardier. With a renewed focus on an improved regulatory Operations Director
environment, better airport infrastructure and regional connectivity, India’s domestic Siva Sachi
aviation market is in an upward climb.
Art Director
LCCs have transformed the aviation landscape in the Asia-Pacific region. However, Arthur Chan
despite their success, full service airlines in the region continue to carry approximately
80 per cent of the passenger traffic in the region and their share of revenue could be Web Director
Elmer Valencia
even higher. While long haul low cost carriers will continue to add capacity and fight for
market share with legacy carriers; LCCs will have to be cognizant of the fact that long Circulation Manager
haul flights have a significantly higher cost base, in addition to mandatory crew rest Akshay Satyamurthy
times that reduce the advantage of quick turnarounds.
Advertising ContACts:
One way for full service carriers to protect their lucrative long-haul sectors is to revamp
cabin products. Singapore Airlines has moved in that direction and will spend US$850 Europe – Canada and all other countries:
million to upgrade the cabins on its 14 airplane A380 fleet following the completion Global Communications sas
of a four year development programme. Five new A380s entering service will feature Tel: +39 049 723548
the new cabins. The Premium Economy and Economy Class cabins on the new aircraft
feature well thought-out amenities, which could convince travellers to make the switch USA
Contact: Josh Mayer
from bare basic long haul low cost flights. Tel : +1 972 816-6745 / Fax : +1 972 767 4442
It has been a busy year for the Asian Airlines & Aerospace team, along with our China
sister publications Asian Defence Technology and Daily News. 2018 will see a new Contact: Xu Yixin
editorial focus for all our publications and more on the spot reports from our team of Mob: +8613811688955
Tel: 86-10-58354055 / Fax: 86-10-84043033
correspondents and specialist contributors.
South East Asia
I take this opportunity to thank you, dear reader, and all our supporters for your Contact: Siva Sachi
continued patronage of our publications. Happy New Year! Mob: +6012-905 6825
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Maintenance Repair Ov erhaul is a quarterly publication f or prof essionals
ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE is a bi-monthly publication for professionals
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