Page 9 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
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        with the U.S. on one side and Canada and   in the U.S. can resolve the issue because   the U.S.  U.S. International Trade Commission
        United Kingdom on the other, as well.  it then becomes a domestic product,”   asking  it  to  reject  Boeing’s  complaint.  If
           Following  Boeing’s  complaint  that  Bellemare recently told reporters at Airbus’s   C Series planes are built in Alabama, one
        Bombardier had violated trade law by selling   headquarters in Toulouse.  can expect to see more carriers adding the
        75 of its C Series jets to Delta Air Lines for   Boeing, which dismissed the partnership   aircraft to their fleet.
        “absurdly low prices,” the U.S. Department of   as a “questionable deal between two state
        Commerce had recently issued a preliminary   subsidized competitors” to try to skirt a  The Risk for Boeing
        ruling imposing an anti-dumping and anti-  recent U.S. trade finding against the CSeries,   By aggressively pursuing its complaint
        subsidy duties of 300 percent on Bombardier.   however does not think the deal will allow   against Bombardier, Boeing runs the risk of
        If the tariffs stay even after the final ruling,   Bombardier to circumvent the tariffs. “Any   hurting the market prospects of its Super
        it will drastically increase the price of the C   duties finally levied against the C-Series...   Hornet jets. Canadian Prime Minister Justin
        Series aircraft for U.S. customers.   will have to be paid on any imported C-Series   Trudeau has said that his government could
           Bombardier,  which  has  denied  the   airplane or part, or it will not be permitted   stop doing business with Boeing if it pursued
        dumping  charge,  sees  Boeing’s  complaint   into the country,” Michael Luttig, Boeing’s   it complaint against Bombardier.
        as an attempt to block the C Series from   general counsel, said in a statement.   “Canada won’t do business with a
        entering the U.S. market. It also contends   All the talk about tariffs hasn’t fazed   company that’s busy trying to sue us and
        that Boeing itself sells aircraft below   Delta.  “We will  not  pay those  tariffs  and   put our aerospace workers out of business,”
        production costs for years after launching a   that is  very  clear,” Bastian,  who had  earlier   Trudeau said, not mincing words.  The country,
        new aircraft.                       called the recommended tariff “absurd”, told   which had been in discussions to purchase
           Many industry experts are of the opinion   investors on an earnings call recently last   18 F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets from
        that Boeing’s complaint against C Series,   week. The airline plans to take delivery of the   Boeing, have put the discussions on hold
        when it does not have any aircraft to compete   jets, he added.  If Delta goes ahead with its   because of the ongoing trade dispute. Even if
        against it, is a tactical move to not allow the   purchase of the planes and Airbus assembles   the dispute is settled amicably, Canada could
        Canadian company any foothold in the U.S.     some of the C Series aircraft in Alabama by   look beyond Boeing, which has dominated
        The Bombardier  C Series plane is smaller   expanding the facility where it builds larger   the country defence market, and welcome
        than Boeing’s smallest aircraft, the 737, and   single-aisle jets for U.S. airlines, it could give   Airbus or the other American defence giant,
        are essentially targeting different markets.  the C Series programme the fillip it is seeking.   Lockheed Martin. Bombardier expects a
           The deal with Airbus, which includes the   Bombardier does have the backing of carriers   $400 million loss in commercial aircraft this
        clause that additional C Series production   such as JetBlue Airways, which does not have   year, but has set a breakeven target for 2020.
        would  occur at Airbus’ manufacturing  site   Boeing or Bombardier aircraft in its fleet,   With the new deal, the break-even date could
        in Alabama, U.S., might help Bombardier   Spirit  Airlines  and  Sun  Country  Airlines.  All   come sooner.
        dodge the huge import tariff.  “Assembly   three have submitted letters last month to
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