Page 3 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2018 Online Magazine
P. 3

CREDIT                             EDITOR’S NOTE


                                                    Timing the Market
                    Vittorio Rossi Prudente
              The aviation  industry  is rife with speculation  of the path that
                                                    Boeing will take for  its long awaited New Midsize  Airplane
                       Deputy Editor                (NMA). Industry experts feel that Boeing could decide to devel-
                        Jay Menon
                      op two aircraft types, instead of a single jetliner as rival Airbus
                                                    cools down from a heated development cycle for its A320neo
                   Bangalore Bureau Chief           and A350 XWB aircraft families. If Boeing hits the bullseye with
                       Atul Chandra
                   the NMA (or 797), then it could lead to the creation of a jetliner
                                                    family that rivals the 737.
                   Singapore Bureau Chief
                        Aprajita Anil
                  The time is right to launch  the NMA, as 787 production  has
                                                    transitioned to the more profitable -9 and -10 models and its
                      US Bureau Chief
                     Arun Sivasankaran              order book stretches  out  till 2022, allowing  Boeing to  start
              recovering approximately US$26 billion in  deferred losses.
                                                    Boeing  is already  diverting  its top engineering  talent  for the
                      Geoffrey Thomas               NMA programme and has begun discussions with engine man-
                                                    ufacturers for powerplants  for the aircraft which  is slated  to
                    Operations Director             enter service in 2024-2025. Securing launch customers is key
                        Siva Sachi
                     for an NMA announcement this year and the new aircraft will be
                                                    viewed with great interest by asian airline operators and those
                        Art Director                from China in particular.
                     Miamica Khonglah
                                                    Airbus on the other hand is aggressively marketing its newest
                       Web Director                 aircraft on the market; the A350-900 ULR and A350-1000 and
                       Elmer Valencia
                 additional  orders for both types are crucial. Airbus will also
                                                    certainly benefit from its recent partnership with Bombardier at
                    Circulation Manager             the lower end of the market, though the A380 will continue to be
                     Akshay Satyamurthy
             a costly burden for years to come. While Boeing remains invest-
                                                    ed in new jetliner developments, Airbus needs to take a long
                 Advertising Contacts:              hard look at its options for a new airplane. In the absence of a

                      new aircraft programme, perhaps a substantial upgrade to the
                                                    A321neo is the best option in terms of cost and timelines for
                  Europe & Americas and all
                      other countries:              Airbus.
                  Global Communications sas
                     Tel: +39 049 723548
                          Japan                     Asian Airlines & Aerospace
                    India+South East Asia
                 Contact: Akshay Satyamurthy
                    Mob: +919980080246

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          ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE is a bi-monthly publication for professionals working in all sectors of the airline, airport and related industries. Opinions
          expressed by contributors in ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor. This publication may not be
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