Page 27 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
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        to our customers more rapidly than ever we experienced before,”  benefits delivered by 8tree’s dentCHECK tool.
        says Jakob Straub, Head of Aircraft Services & Line Maintenance  However, they have been hamstrung – primarily
        at the Zurich-based MRO. “As a result, true value is added to our  due to corporate IT restrictions – in sharing
        customer having his aircraft returned back to service more quickly  damage content within and outside their orga-
        and efficiently.”                                              nizations. 8cloud overcomes these IT barriers,
           Purpose-built for the aviation maintenance industry, the com-  by offering a secure, browser-based interface
        pletely  wireless  3D  scanner  tool  with  integrated  AR  delivers  for reporting, storing and sharing content from
        real-time ‘go/no-go’ answers at the push of a single-button, signifi-  8tree or other 3rd party inspection tools.”
        cantly reducing damage-mapping and reporting times, compared     “As an aircraft structures engineer, I clearly
        to traditional manual methods that use depth-gauges and straight-  see benefits of integrating dent & buckle with
        edges. This shortens aircraft Turn-around-Time (TaT), which further  dentCHECK,” says Kristinn Palsson, CEO, dent
        reduces lost revenues and very directly improves operational effi-  & buckle. “All relevant data concerning dam-
        ciency for airlines. Detailed case-studies published by TAP-M&E  ages and repairs is stored in one place and
        and easyJet, as well as news from Airbus’ Flightline, DHL-Express  tracked from the initial discovery, which is now
        and Zeppelin, demonstrate that dentCHECK reduces inspection  standardized with dentCHECK – dent & buckle
        and reporting times by up to 90%.                              adds value to with its 3D interface and keeps
                                                                       on tracking through the repair stages to the
        Adding Capabilities                                            end of the service life of the aircraft. The data
        Buoyed by the enthusiastic response from airlines and MROs to  that has until now mostly been recorded on
        dentCHECK, 8tree rolled out new offerings this year. After launch-  paper we can now use for fleetwide analysis,
                                                                       redelivery or audits and learn much more about
                                                                       the operation of the fleet.”
                                                                         dentCHECK pano is a response to requests
                                                                       from the industry, says Erik Klaas, CTO, 8tree.
                                                                       “They wanted us to develop a quick and seam-
                                                                       less method to map entire aircraft bays, similar
                                                                       to how dentCHECK already allows them to
                                                                       perform quick spot-checks on smaller areas.
                                                                       dentCHECK pano allows them to do just that,
                                                                       producing a digital collage that can be archived
                                                                       for comparison during future maintenance. In
                                                                       early customer trials, pano has directly driven
                                                                       more than 95% time-savings compared to tra-
                                                                       ditional methods.”
                                                                         According to 8tree, dentCHECK pano can
                                                                       inspect, stitch and report an entire aircraft bay
                                                                       in less than 10 min, compared to 3-4 hours
                                                                       using  other  methods.  “This  has  significant
                                                                       upside implications for RVSM measurements,”
                                                                       says Klaas.

        ing 8cloud, Blend-Out Assistant and Multi-damage report offerings  Endorsement by OEMs
        at MRO Middle East in Dubai, the company unveiled dentCHECK  The widespread attention that dentCHECK has
        pano at MRO Americas in April.  According to Arun Chhabra, CEO,  received in the industry comes in the wake of
        8tree, the combined impact of these new offerings enhances main-  endorsements by multiple OEMs. Airbus has
        tenance efficiency by orders of magnitude, “far in excess of the  published multiple approvals of dentCHECK
        90% time-savings enabled by the dentCHECK tool alone.”         in its Tool Equipment Manuals for dent-map-
           8cloud is a secure, cloud-based damage reporting platform that  ping on metallic aero-structures and composite
        expedites the sharing of inspection content and reports between  cabin floorboards. dentCHECK also expedites
        all stakeholders in the aviation maintenance industry. Designed  blend-out remaining thickness measurement
        to handle data from any inspection tool, 8cloud is now integrated  of uniform thickness panels as per proce-
        within dent & buckle’s aviation damage tracking platform. According  dures outlined in Airbus’ SRM 51-11-00 and
        to Erik Klaas, CTO, 8tree, the company plans to develop similar  SRM 51-11-13. Similarly, Boeing’s Service Letter
        8cloud integration interfaces to other popular maintenance soft-  recognizes the use of 3D scanning tools, such
        ware systems, at no additional cost to end-users.              as dentCHECK, for dent-mapping on all of its
           “We created 8cloud to address a chronic unmet need in how the  commercial aircraft family types. dentCHECK
        aviation industry shares damage analyses amongst key stakehold-  performance has also been formally recognized
        ers”, says Klaas. “Over the past few years, airlines, MRO and OEMs  for all De Havilland Dash8 (formerly Bombardier
        have continued to rapidly embrace the inspection and reporting  Q400) and Bombardier CRJ aircraft.

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