Page 30 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 30

F which exclusive Freighter aircraft.
                                                                       SpiceJet added 27 Boeing 737 NGs, four
                                                                       Bombardier Q400s and one B737 freighter
                                                                       between April and June 2019. The airline has
                                                                       launched a number of new flights and enhanced
                                                                       frequencies on its international network from
                                                                       the key metros of Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad
                                                                       to global hotspots such as Jeddah, Bangkok,
                                                                       Colombo, Hong Kong, Dubai and Dhaka. The
                                                                       airline is now  operating flights from Mumbai to
                                                                       the Saudi capital city of Riyadh which earmarks
                                                                       the airline’s 10th international destination.

                                                                       MAX Trouble
                                                                       SpiceJet has been severely impacted by the
                                                                       grounding of its  B737 MAX fleet, which has
                                                                       limited the carrier’s ability to increase its yields
                                                                       owing to passenger disruptions and re-accom-
                                                                       modation; while simultaneously increasing its
                                                                       fixed costs on this category of aircraft. “We are
                                                                       happy that we were able to minimise passenger
                                                                       inconvenience by quickly filling the capacity
                                                                       gap  created  in  India’s  aviation  sector.  The
                                                                       results would have been vastly better but for
                                                                       the painful grounding of the MAX aircraft. We
                                                                       look forward to their swift return to service in
                                                                       the near future that will help SpiceJet increase
                                                                       its margins and provide a superior level of ser-
                                                                       vice,” says Ajay Singh, Chairman and Managing
                                                                       Director, SpiceJet.

                                                                       SpiceJet continues to incur various costs with
                                                                       respect to its 737 MAX’s and in the quarter
                                                                       ended June 30, 2019, the airline announced
                                                                       that it had received Rs 1141 million towards air-
                                                                       craft and supplemental lease rentals as other
        fighting for its survival. In August, SpiceJet announced a net profit of   income; on account of 737 MAX’s inability to
        Rs 2617 million in the quarter ending June 2019 as against a loss of   undertake revenue operations. “This is a part
        Rs 381 million for the corresponding quarter last year. SpiceJet now   recognition of the total reimbursements, on
        operates an aircraft fleet comprised of: B737-700 (7), B737-800   which the Company is working with the aircraft
        (53), B737-900 (5) and Q400 (32). The airline has taken delivery of   manufacturer,  towards  various  ascertained
        13 B737 MAX 8s, which remain grounded. SpiceJet has 3 B737-700   costs and losses incurred by the Company on

                                                                       this aircraft,” SpiceJet says.
                                                                       To  cater  for  the  loss  of  its  737  MAX  fleet,
                                                                       SpiceJet commenced operations with  addi-
                                                                       tional flights on its existing B737 NG & Q400
                                                                       fleet. The airline increased increasing the daily
                                                                       utilisation of these fleets to 15-16 hours per day
                                                                       and 13-14 hours per day respectively. It also
                                                                       inducted 27 Boeing 737 NGs between April 01,
                                                                       2019 and June 15, 2019. The carrier had also
                                                                       announced it would cater for the increase in
                                                                       traffic during the winter season by inducting
                                                                       5-10 Boeing 737 NG aircraft and 3 Q400 air-
                                                                       craft during October 2019. SpiceJet had hoped
                                                                       that its grounded Boeing 737 MAX’s would
                                                                       resume normal operations by July/August 2019.

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