Page 12 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 12


        Geared up for


        The aircraft engine world is being changed dramatically                 weight, greater burn efficiency – and state
        by demands from operators for better efficiency. We                     of the art MRO. According to Jim Sheard,
                                                                                Rolls-Royce’s  Senior  Vice  President,
        ask the key players what they are seeing, doing, and                    Customer Strategy & Marketing, making

        planning for the next few years.                                        an engine more efficient is a continuous
                                                                                process  –  so  we  are  unlikely  to  see  a
                                                                                great  leap  forward  like  the  one  Frank
                                                                                Whittle managed back in 1941.
                                            PLENTY  OF  INDUSTRY  PLAYERS  ARE    “We  pursue  continuous  improvement
                                            aware  that  our  business  is  at  a  critical   across  all  our  engine  technologies  to
                                            point,  and  are  not  shy  about  saying  so.   minimise  lifetime  engine  running  costs
                                            Norwegian  Air  Shuttle  supremo  Bjoern   for airline customers,” explains Sheard.
                                            Kjos has been quoted as saying we will   He  claims  the  Trent  XWB  is  16%  more
                                            definitely  see  more  airline  collapses  in   efficient   than   the   first-generation
                                            Europe  this  year.  Closer  to  home,  Rex   Trents  originally  fitted  back  in  1995.
                                            Airlines  supremo  Lim  Kim  Hai  claimed   He  cites  improvements  in  the  overall
                                            that:  “  .  .  the  airline  environment   pressure ratio (35%) and better internal
                                            worldwide is becoming toxic.” According   aerodynamics that result in fewer blades
                                            to Kjos, high costs and old planes are a   and an overall lower weight, per pound of
                                            dangerous  mix  –  and  one  that  pushes   thrust  through  smart  design  and  better
                                            airlines  into  a  tight  corner.  Both  say   materials.
                                            operators have just one solution – higher   According  to  Rolls-Royce’s  figures,
                                            efficiencies. But how can an operator cut   this  can  save  some  US$2.6  million  per
                                            costs  without  prejudicing  safety,  routes   aircraft  per  year  compared  to  first-
                                            and passenger facilities? Simple, say the   generation  Trent  engines.  No  wonder
                                            engineers. Get better engines.      Kjos wants to get over 200 new planes.
                                              “There  is  no  way  you  can  fly  an  old   New  technologies  such  as  the  hollow
                                            airplane  in  the  future  given  where  fuel   titanium wide-chord fan blades add more
                                            prices  are  going,”  asserted  Kjos.  “Not
                                                                                to  the  cost-cutting  appeal  of  the  power
           40,000                           buying new planes would be (the) risk,” he   units – and keep efficiency up.
                                            said.  With  the  manufacturers  promising
                                                                                Other  makers  are  also  looking  at  new,
          Total Trent                       that  their  latest  engines  give  users  a   advanced  materials  to  help  squeeze
          It is estimated that as you read   realistic 12 to 15% lower fuel burn, that’s   the  petro-dollar  and  engine  life  further
          this 40,000 passengers are        a six-figure saving in most cases.   than  ever  before.  According  to  CFM
          flying on a Trent 700 powered                                         International,  materials  research  is
          A330. On average a Trent 700      New Tech                            where the biggest strides are being made
          powered A330 takes-off or         Most  people  in  the  propulsion  field  we   in engine efficiency.
          lands somewhere in the world      spoke  to  told  us  improved  efficiency  is   “The  lighter  weight  and  higher
          once every 40 seconds.            a  combination  of  smart  design,  lower   temperature  capabilities  of  materials

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