Page 16 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 16


                        Training engineers
                        on new designs
                        demands serious
                        investment, as at

        required in a conventional turbofan. This   line,  one  that  has  the  industry’s  highest
        minimised  design  approach  certainly   reliability and longest time on wing. “Most
        cuts down on the engineering complexity   CFM56 engines being delivered today will
        – but puts a crucial degree of reliance on   stay on wing until the first shop visit in 8 or
        the  central  gearbox  which  has  to  offer   9 years,” she added. Which adds up to very
        100% reliability.                   low maintenance costs.
          The fact the geared PW1000G doubles
        the  bypass  ratio  to  12  to  1  means  that   Cheap Fixers?
        the engine runs cooler, leading to longer   However,  with  such  highly  complex  –
        on wing time and higher reliability. CFM   and  highly  stressed  –  machines  like
        International,  the  joint  GE/SNECMA   aircraft  engines,  the  quality  of  servicing       Singapore offers
        partnership,  claims  that  its  strategy   is,  everybody  agrees,  paramount.  Engine   highly competitive
        of  making  power  plants  that  highlight   failures are extremely rare, and resulting   skills, a business
        simplicity  and  durability  also  leads  to   accidents  even  more  so.  And  that  is
        longer wing time and real cost savings in   down  to  the  people  who  design  and  friendly environment
        the MRO department.                 maintain them – now a global workforce,   a strong focus on R&D,
          “CFM has always focused on providing   not  just  a  western  speciality  say  most
        its  customers  highly  efficient  engines   manufacturers.  So  it’s  no  longer  just   and proximity to the
        that also maintain the lowest overall cost   Seattle and Derby, by any means.  Asia Pacific region
        of  ownership,”  says  CFM  International’s     “We  think  that  the  (engineering)
        Jewell.  She  notes  that  this  focus   workforce is very skilled in China and India,”
        manifests  itself  through  a  very  simple,   notes CFM International’s Jewell. “Both GE  - Jim Sheard, SVP Customer
        durable  design  for  the  CFM56  product   and Snecma have R&D relationships in both   Strategy & Marketing, Rolls-Royce

           The geared turbofan being pioneered by Pratt & Whitney (the PW1000G)
           offers several bonuses compared to standard Turbofan. Expected in
           2013, it offers:
           • 16% lower fuel consumption
           • 15-20dB lower noise emmissions
           • 50% lower NOx emissions
           • 7 moving core parts give lower MRO costs

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