Page 20 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2013 Online Magazine
P. 20


        KLIA turns to Outsourcing:

        Ambitious Expansion Plans

        Italian expertise used to underpin KLIA’s expansion plans across infrastructure,
        control and operations flags a new departure for Malaysian airport operations

                                            Italy-based  eNaV, a state-owNed    first commercial company incorporated
                                            business, operates as an air traffic control   abroad,” said ENAV Asia Pacific CEO
                                            and navigation service provider across an   Mauro Iannucci. He explained that ENAV is
                                            international base. The company already   currently working closely with Malaysia’s
                                            operates control towers at 39 Italian   DCA on a major project supporting the
                                            airports  as  well  as  four  area  control   expansion of KLIA in the form of a large-
                                            centres, and currently oversees and is   scale development that will see the
                                            responsible for some 1.6 million flights   addition of a third runway, a new control
                                            per year over an impressive 751,000-plus   tower and the opening of the largest low-
                                            square kilometres of airspace.      cost carrier (LCC) terminal in the world.
                                               The  company  recently  won  a  major   “Six hundred  air traffic  controllers
                                            contract from Malaysia’s Department of   are to be trained in the coming four
                                            Civil Aviation (DCA) for extensive works   years,” said Iannucci. “This will be done
                                            including a major upgrade project at Kuala   step by step as the airport expands, with
                                            Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). It will   controllers needing to achieve specific
        ENAV CEO Massimo Garbini            act as the consultant in such diverse areas   training milestones.”
        and Director General of             as  airport  design,  airspace  design  and   Two simulators located  in Kuala
        Malaysia’s Department of            management, flight procedures design,   Lumpur will be central to support the
        Civil Aviation Azharuddin           the publication of manuals and training of   training programme and over the next
        Abdul Rahman shake                  air traffic controllers.            four  years,  ENAV  Asia  Pacific  will  assist
        hands for the camera at the            “It’s an important step for us to   the  Malaysian  service  providers  in
        launch of ENAV Asia Pacific         register here in Malaysia. In fact, it’s our   managing a large programme for the

        20   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY /JUNE 2013                          WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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