Page 4 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2013 Online Magazine
P. 4

        AErIAL VIEw

        CREDITS                                 EDITOR’S NOTE

        JEREMy TORR                             bAcK tO tHE fUtUrE
                                                Two things grabbed my attention this month – and neither is headline news. but
        ASSOcIAtE EdItOr                        combined, they may completely alter the way we look at and manage our industry.
        JOSEPHInE PAnG
                                                First, Solar Impulse completed a couple of night-time flights across the American
        ExEcUtIVE pUbLISHEr & cEO               heartland relying purely on the stored solar energy it managed to gather during
        vITTORIO ROSSI PRUDEnTE            the day. Second, a report from MIT followed up by a slew of news stories about
        cOO & mArKEtINg dIrEctOr, ASIA          unmanned commercial aircraft. The first was basically a publicity exercise
        SIvA SACHI                              for Swiss technology and the organisations that sponsored the design and                   construction of the massive twice-A320-sized aircraft that uses lots of carbon
        Art dIrEctOr                            composites, some very high-tech electrics, lots of lithium batteries and some
        ARTHUR CHAn                             12,000  solar  panels  on  its  upper  wing  surfaces.  It’s  no  Gossamer  Albatross,
                                                weighing in at 1.6 tonnes (car weight) but it is highly efficient, using only four
        wEb dIrEctOr                            10hp motors to keep it moving. Despite flying all through the night, the aircraft
        ELMER vALEnCIA               had battery power to spare when it landed next day. Amazing stuff.
        cIrcULAtION mANAgEr
        kHAIRUL nAEM                            The second news blast featured pilots such as Chesley Sullenberger who landed                 his A320 in the Hudson River; Mary Cummings, MIT’s director of Humans and
        AdVErtISINg rEprESENtAtIVES             Automation Lab, and ex-general and drone pioneer in the Israeli air force Isaac
        EUROPE, MIddLE EAST, SOUTh AfRIcA &     ben-Israel. All, with slightly different angles, agree that the degree of airborne
        SOUTh AMERIcA                           automation for many routine tasks is likely to increase markedly.
        TEL: +39 049 723 548  FAx: +39 049 856 0792
        MOb: +39 335 611 9295                   As Cummings rightly points out, most planes today use fly-by-wire technology
        EMAIL:     that separates pilot input from the surface activators – and are managed by
        ASEAN, PEOPLE’S REPUbLIc Of chINA, TAIwAN,   software. “The controls are digital, not analogue. Everything is done electronically
        COnTACT: SIvA SACHI                     so you don’t need a person in there to push a hydraulic actuator,” she said in one
        TEL: +603 778 12903/2909 FAx: +603 778 12915  interview. So to a degree, we are already flying in computer-controlled aircraft.
        MOb: +601 2905 6825                     We are certainly riding in unmanned transit trains at most airports, and have
        SOUTh ASIA – INdIA, PAKISTAN,           no problem jumping on potentially dangerous fairground rides with no man in
        SRI LANKA, bANgLAdESh & NEPAL           uniform at the front of the machine to tell us the altitude and speed. Some of
        COnTACT: vInOD GHAnSELA                 you even trust your car to park itself. So why the worry about fully automated
        MOD: +91 9810806939                     aircraft? It’s coming, that’s definite.
        USA & cANAdA
        COnTACT: JOSH MAyER                     but to me the key thing with these two threads is not the discussion they promote
        TEL : +1 972 816-6745  FAx : +1 972 767 4442  on safety or practicality, but the opportunity they offer. It’s a little like bill Gates
        EMAIL :         offering his DOS operating system to IbM. The hardware was Ok. The software
        SwITzERLANd                             was Ok too.  but together, they were cataclysmically powerful – so powerful
        TEL : +41 216 174 412 FAx : +41 216 170 921   they changed the entire way the world works today. Solar-powered auto-piloted
        MOb : +41 792 104 466                   aircraft have the potential to completely do the same for aerial transport. Aerial
        EMAIL :
                                                density levels would rocket, costs would plummet, ATM systems would become
        ISRAEL                                  standardised and airports would open up in previously uneconomic areas – and
        COnTACT: TAMIR ESHEL                    there’s a fair chance accidents would not increase either.
        TEL : + 972 544 508 028 / +972 989 117 92
        FAx : +972 989 199 65
        EMAIL :           Feel like a glimpse of the future? Go buy a quadcopter kit off the internet.
                                                you will be amazed...
        Global Business Press Pte. Ltd.
        Level 34, Centennial Tower,
        3 Temasek Avenue, Singapore 039190.
        TEL: +65 6549 7706 Fax : +65 6549 7011
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         ASIAn AIRLInES & AIRPORTS is a monthly publication for
         professionals working in all sectors of the airline, airport and related
         industries. Opinions expressed by contributors in ASIAn AIRLInES &
         AIRPORTS do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor.   JEREMy TORR
         This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form in
         whole or in part without the written express consent of the publishers.  Editor
        4   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAy / JUNE 2013                          WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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