Page 5 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2013 Online Magazine
P. 5


                                                CONTENTS | FEaTuRES


                                            SHOw prEVIEw
                                            12| Paris: Beauty and Business

                                            It’s time once again for Europe’s biggest and best air show. This year sees the 50
                                            Paris Air Show kick off at Le bourget. Asian Airlines and Airports reports from the
                                            ground with the key elements and machinery of this highly anticipated event
                                            OUtSOUrcINg mANUfActUrINg
                                            16| The Way Ahead? Or Road to Nowhere?
                             20             To build its new 787 Dreamliner, boeing became the first to make use of

                                            extensive outsourcing – but is this a brilliant idea? Or will it spell trouble?

                                            OUtSOUrcINg AIrpOrt ExpANSION
                                            20| KLIA turns to Outsourcing:
                                            Ambitious Expansion Plans

                                            Italian expertise used to underpin kLIA’s expansion plans across
                                            infrastructure, control and operations flags a new departure for
                                            Malaysian airport operations

                                            INtErIOr dESIgN
                                            22| How the Plane you fly in gets Comfy
          22                                When it comes to commercial aircraft, the media glamour goes mostly to
                                            the airframe, the dimensions, the seating capacity and the engine thrust.
                                            It’s specifications all the way

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