Page 31 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 31


        opportunity to save more lives in the UAE   However, Rudolph concedes that   these extremely capable helicopters,”
        and the region, so we have moved up this   “it is a very difficult and one of the most   Rudolph explains.
        segment in our service priorities,” said   demanding projects in the coming decade.”  Seeking to leverage the opportunities,
        Elie Abdo, Managing Partner – Middle   “India is a matured market but   other major players including Bell
        East, International Air Charter.    procedures like filing of flight plan and   Helicopter,  AgustaWestland,  Russian
                                            others, which take around three to four   Helicopters and Sikorsky are now focusing
        India                               hours, to get clearances for a helicopter   on HEMS market in India, China and the
        Global helicopter makers are eyeing India   to fly with HEMS crew after getting a call   Middle East.
        as a potential market to provide modern   affects its effectiveness,” he says.  “We are aiming a foray into the Indian
        heliborne resources to help support    He suggests that HEMS can be kept out   market in HEMS soon. Our presence in
        lifesaving missions.                of the ambit of the stringent rules by the   the country with the largest market share
           Airbus  Helicopters  projects  a  Indian authorities.  For an HEMS operation   in charter, utility and heli-tourism is well
        requirement  of  approximately  50  to be successful and effective,  there   established and entry into HEMS would be
        helicopters  for  medical  emergency  should be opening of lower airspace.  an expansion of our existing boundaries,”
        services in India during the next few years.  “Unlike China and other western   Sameer A Rehman, director of international
           With the help of a consortium    countries, India doesn’t have open sky   trade support for commercial sales and
        of  government  institutions,  private  policy. Airspace is fully controlled by the   marketing at Bell Helicopter  Asia (PTE)
        hospitals and other stakeholders, Airbus   military, especially lower airspace which is   Ltd. had said recently.
        Helicopters is planning a pilot helicopter   maximum 5,000 feet. Opening up of lower   Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company,
        emergency medical services (HEMS)   airspace is a it helps   is operating three 429 helicopters in India
        project for a pan-India network.    save lives by appropriate action during the   and is planning to enhance the number
           “India has emerged as a mature   golden hour,” Rudolph says.         as the company claims they are perfectly
        market especially for new age medical                                   suitable for HEMS in Indian conditions.
        facilities...Soon we are looking forward  Show Time                     “Bell 429 is the ideal platform for HEMS in
        to support implementation of HEMS in   The latest version of Airbus Helicopters’s   India and we are in talks with the operators
        India by setting up pilot projects together   air ambulance, the EC145 T2 was   and depending on their requirement we
        with a consortium of government     showcased at the AIRMED World Congress   will increase the number,” Rehman had
        institutions, private hospitals, insurance   in Rome with new HEMS and mountain   mentioned.
        companies,” Michael  Rudolph, director   rescue equipment.                Recently, Bell Helicopter announced
        Public and Governmental Affairs/ market   Also on display was a scale model of   its support for the Medevac Foundation’s
        development, Airbus Helicopters tells   the EC135, which is a helicopter of choice   HEMS 101  Project,  which is dedicated
        Asian Airlines and Airports.        for HEMS operators in both primary and   to  producing  a  set  of  guidelines  for
           The  pilot  projects  are  planned  in  the   secondary missions.    establishing  HEMS/Air  Ambulance
        national capital New Delhi, Mumbai,    Airbus Helicopters’s light twin-engine   Programs in nations that currently do not
        Bengaluru and Hyderabad. “We have   models EC135  and  EC145 have been   have services in place. Bell Helicopter will
        created an awareness. Now we have to   especially popular all over the world.  make a $150,000 donation spread equally
        create the demand,” Rudolph says.      The EC135 is operated worldwide for a   over the next three years in support of the
           “I feel it could become reality within   broad range of missions, including HEMS,   project, run by the international non-profit
        two to three years.”                law enforcement, rescue operations   charitable organization, headquartered in
           There are already signs of Indian authorities   and business aviation. Equipped with   Washington.
        and firms stepping up their efforts to establish   a Fenestron shrouded tail rotor and   “For the last 60 years, Bell Helicopter
        an HEMS network, recognizing the immense   bearingless main rotor, the helicopter   has  helped  define  helicopter  emergency
        benefits of such a system.          delivers excellent performance, range and   medical services and have worked closely
           Earlier this year, Bengaluru-based   payload capacity. Its large, unobstructed   with operators around the world to ensure
        Aviators Ltd. signed a firm order for an   cabin,  over-sized sliding  side  doors and   we provide the best aircraft solutions
        initial batch of seven EC135 aircraft for   rear clamshell doors enable rapid loading/  to  meet  patient  and  safety  needs,”  says
        HEMS operations.                    unloading  of  patients  and  equipment   Danny Maldonado, executive vice president
           “A second order is expected to be   ¬ even with the rotors turning ¬ which   of sales and marketing at Bell Helicopter.
        carried out later this year and rapid   facilitates operations during time-critical   Bell helicopters is also viewing China
        growth is anticipated in the HEMS   emergency medical missions.         as a strong potential market in the Asia-
        market ¬ as many as 50 helicopters are   “As the EC135 is a global reference in   Pacific region and are trying to increase
        expected to be deployed throughout the   helicopter emergency medical services,   the sales and simultaneously helping to
        country in the coming years,” an official   it is highly appropriate that operators   overcome the challenge of lack of pilots by
        of the company says.                introduce such operations in India with   signing agreements with aviation colleges.
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