Page 23 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
P. 23


        Bullish on India                                                        Joost van der Heijden, Airbus
                                                                                Head of Marketing-Asia

        airbus says india nEEds ovEr 1,290     The Airbus executive says the A321   Airbus forecasts that 36% of India’s
        aircraft worth $190 billion over the next 20   will be further enhanced in 2015 with the   fleet will be wide-bodies, more than
        years, as it plans to market the A321 and   service introduction  of  its  new  engine   doubling the current level.
        A350 airplanes to Indian carriers.  option jetliner versions.             “This is a result of increased capacity
           “We  see  an  interest  among  Indian   “Incorporating Airbus’ “Sharklet” wing   of  international  as  well  domestic  routes
        carriers for the A321 as it benefits from   tip devices and two new engine choices, the   with larger aircraft like the A330 and
        operational commonality with its fellow   A320neo Family offers maximum benefit   A350s,” Heijden says.
        A320 family members, providing carriers   with minimal changes from baseline   In passenger traffic term, domestic
        with tremendous flexibility in matching   A319s, A320s and A321s – delivering fuel   India is the fastest growing flow
        aircraft to specific route requirements,”   savings of up to 15%, along with additional   increasing at almost 10%  per year to
        says Joost van der Heijden, Airbus head of   range of up to 500 nautical miles/900 km.   2032. In 2032, India domestic traffic
        marketing-Asia.                     or 2 tons of extra payload,” he says.  will  be  the  world’s  third  largest
           Since all A320 family aircraft share   Airbus also feels that A350 is   domestic market. In addition, five
        a single type rating – allowing pilots to   an important aircraft for India as it   of the world’s top 20 fastest growing
        fly any version of the 320 aircraft after   complements to the wide-bodied aircraft   flows, connect India.
        attending  only  one  training  course  and   operating in the country. “We are talking   “Today one in 20 Indians travel by air
        enabling the same team of mechanics   to prospective customers,” he adds.  and in 2032 this will increase five fold to a
        to maintain an aircraft. With only     Of the requirement for 1,290 new   quarter of the population taking at least
        minimal additional training, pilots   aircraft in India, some 73%   will be for   one flight. Along with China, more people
        also can transition quickly from these   growth and 27%   for replacement. The   will experience the benefits of aviation
        single-aisle jetliners to Airbus’ larger   new passenger aircraft include 913 single   for the first time in India than anywhere
        long-range aircraft quickly thanks to   aisles like the A320 and A320 Neo family,   else,” the Airbus executive says.
        the unique family concept and their   322 twin aisles like the A350 XWB and   The company had forecast in 2012
        exceptional degree of operational   A330,  and  56  very  large  aircraft  such  as   that India would need 1,043 airplanes in
        commonality, Airbus says.           the A380.                           the period up to 2030.
            Today one in 20 Indians travel by air and in 2032 this will increase
        five fold to a quarter of the population taking at least one flight.

        – Joost van der Heijden, Airbus Head of Marketing-Asia

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