Page 25 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
P. 25


                                                                                Thierry de Poncins,
                                                                                International Sales director
                                                                                for Dassault Aviation Civil
                                                                                Aircraft in India
        though delivery is still three years away.  We also operate a sales/support office   customers, who want to arrive fresh after
           Our  60-year  presence  in  India, both  in   in Delhi (Dassault Aircraft Services India   a long 13 hour flight. The wide, long cabin
        the military and civil domain, is a also a plus.  Ltd), and a technical office in Mumbai   can accommodate up  to 16  passengers
           We   are  approaching  the  20th  that serves Falcons flying everywhere   and is equipped with 2 large sofas at
        anniversary of the first Indian Falcon   in the region, including Bangladesh and   the back that  converts  into  a king  size
        delivery,  a  Falcon  200  acquired  by  Tata.   Myanmar. We will soon add a Falcon type   bed. Noise suppression and low altitude
        Tata and Taj Air, its charter subsidiary,   rated Indian field representative.  pressurization systems ensure a pleasant
        continue  to operate  Falcon 2000  Series   Spare parts are available in Mumbai   environment, particularly valuable during
        aircraft and their facility in Mumbai is an   and Chennai, in addition to Singapore,   long intercontinental flights. We also
        authorized Falcon maintenance center.   Dubaï and our big warehouse in Paris,   offer a shower option, the first of which
        Dassault’s strong presence in the Indian   which  can deliver  parts  to Indian   was  delivered  last  year,  and  an  optional
        Air Force, which operates a large Mirage   customers within hours. We offer pilot   crew rest area for long duration flights.
        2000 fleet and in January 2012 selected the   training in Dubaï and may also provide   Two lavatories and a huge luggage
        Rafale for its Medium Multi-Role Aircraft   technical training there, too.  compartment are part of the standard
        mission, is particularly appreciated by                                aircraft configuration.
        local customers, who fully understand   If you could share some highlights   The 7X is powered by 3 engines for
        the value of technology spinoffs between   of the 7X in terms of passenger   better flexibility, performance and systems
        fighters jets and Falcon business jets.  comfort and safety?           redundancy and added safety. There are
                                            The 7X is the most technologically   no ETOPS regulation constraints, allowing
        What kind of a local support you have   advanced business jet available on the   the 7X to fly direct overwater routes that
        in India in terms of spare parts centers,   market today. Despite some early teething   save time and fuel.
        technical field teams, light maintenance?   issues, the airplane is now problem   Total  operating costs  are  between
        We believe that service is a key selling   free and more than 200 are in operation   20% to 60% less than other aircraft in its
        point, and consequently maintain a dense   worldwide, including two based with large   category .
        support network everywhere Falcons   corporations in Delhi.               7X technology, derived largely from the
        are flown. In addition to our other Asian   The 11,000km range 7X offers   military aircraft we produce, is ten years
        service centers in Singapore, Hong-Kong   unmatched performance even from   ahead of rival aircraft and customers
        and Dubaï, we operate a pair of approved   elevated hot and short runways. Thanks   appreciate what this means in terms
        service centers in  Mumbai, backed up   to its steep approach and short field   of operating efficiency and costs. The
        by satellite facilities in Delhi, Bangalore,   capability, it can fly non-stop from any   aircraft was the first in business aviation
        Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune and Kolkata,   place in India to London City Airport,   to  be  equipped  with  a  fly  by  wire  flight
        and   are  contemplating  additional  shaving two hours off the typical London   control system, and its Fly By Wire system
        partnerships  to  reinforce  the  network.   business trip.            is still the most advanced on the market.
        Dassault  Falcon Service, our big factory   And from other London area airports, the   Its EASy flightdeck is the most efficient
        owned service center at Paris-Le Bourget,   7X can fly non-stop to anywhere in the U.S.  interactive cockpit  on any business jet,
        handles heavy maintenance and C check   The  7X  cabin  is  particularly  affording better crew coordination and
        for Indian customers.               appreciated  by  our  very  demanding   added safety - our number one priority.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  25
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