Page 28 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 28


        “Innovation is Our Success Mantra”

                               GERALd STEINhOff, SENIOR VICE                    includes the extension of existing sites
                               President Corporate Sales Asia Pacific,          or the foundation of new sites, alone or
                                                                                with international partners, and a heavy
                               at Lufthansa Technik in an interview to          investment in innovation topics to provide
                              Jay Menon of Asian Airlines and Airports          the best technical solutions for the
                               says the company is looking at possible          customers. New analysis, automatization
                               partners outside China and the Philippines       and repair methods are in our focus to
                                                                                reduce MRO costs and to increase quality.
                               in the region and “if things go well, we         From  our  point  of  view  this  is  the  only
                               might find another location in Asia”.            possible way for a profitable growth and a
                                                                                sustainable success in the future.
        AAA: How do you describe            Airbus A350, Boeing 777-9X, and 787. This
        today’s MRO market?                 will also be LTP’s second line for A380 base   AAA: With a lot of new aircraft coming
        Steinhoff:  Looking  at  our  customers   maintenance and its entry into Boeing 777   into the market, is there a danger
        in Asia Pacific we see a high growth of   base  maintenance.  The  development  is   of manufacturers monopolising
        legacy and low cost carriers. While low   expected to expand the company’s yearly   the entire supply chain?
        cost carriers are more and more gaining   capacity by 200,000 man hours. The opening   Steinhoff: First of all newer aircraft types
        a higher share in the market. These are   will take place in November 2015.  have longer MTBOs - so as a consequence
        independent LCC’s as well as more and   At LTS we also expanded our MRO service   they produce lower MRO cost and less
        more subsidiaries of legacies. So we see   portfolio in Asia: We will have significantly   man hours per Heavy maintenance event.
        that the low cost carrier logic of running   more capabilities for components including   In total the MRO spent per RPK (revenue
        the business remains a successful   airframe related components as well as   passenger  kilometer)  is  declining.
        model. On the MRO side we see a trend   engine services, training and logistics. We   Secondly new technologies such as new
        for overcapacities on the market. While   doubled the size of our facility and celebrated   composites require high investments and
        some larger shops of legacy carriers are   the opening of two new buildings on May 21.   highly skilled workforce. This is definitely
        suffering underutilization, more and more   The new workshops, warehouse, offices and   a challenge for all MRO’s. So those who
        capacities are built up in the market. This   training rooms are housed on 16,000 square   are prepared for this development will
        will lead to a consolidation in some areas,   meters. During the next months we will fill   survive in the long run. We believe that
        where the economics are transparent and   these new production areas with capabilities   Lufthansa Technik is very well prepared.
        gain weight. On our product side we see   that will serve the market.   The entry of new aircraft types like the
        that single contracts will cover more and   And there are other possible partners   A350 will be a good example. Should the
        more aircraft. This is due to the fact that   and opportunities outside China and the   aggressive market policy of airframers
        airlines grow their fleet and the number   Philippines that could be interesting for   succeed than we will definitely have the
        of  airlines  with  more  than  100  aircraft   us, which offers further possibilities.   danger of monopolistic tendencies –
        increases. This trend will continue.  Talks are ongoing, and if things go well,   with all the negative effects on price and
                                            we might find another location in Asia.  quality for the customers in the long run.
        AAA: Kindly detail your
        expansion plans in Asia             AAA:  Are you looking at any        AAA: MROs and other industry
        Steinhoff:  As  Lufthansa  Technik  we   joint ventures in Asia?        players these days still find
        consequently follow our strategy to   Steinhoff: The short answer is: Yes.  themselves entrapped in vastly
        extend our organization and capabilities   Asia is one of our key markets. Lufthansa   inconvenient component procurement
        in Asia Pacific. That is visible in two of   Technik  is  permanently  developing  and   processes. Is that true?
        our facilities in Manila (LTP: Lufthansa   implementing new measures in all of its   Steinhoff: We see now a new level of
        Technik Philippines) and Shenzhen   areas to secure the company’s future and   competition. With the entry of new aircraft
        (LTS: Lufthansa Technik Shenzhen). At   to sustainably improve its results. Besides   and engine types the manufacturers are
        LTP we  celebrated the  ground breaking     optimization programs to streamline   still intensifying their efforts to increase
        for a hangar expansion in January.   internal processes and structures the   their part in the entire supply chain. New
        The construction expands two existing   company is also strengthening its sales   aircraft are significantly more reliable
        bays equipped with versatile docking   activities in the major growth regions   and require (hopefully) less maintenance
        systems that can accommodate current   like Asia  and  is  working on  the further   less frequently than the aircraft they are
        widebodies  and newer  models for  the   development of its product portfolio. This   replacing.  This  means  less  workload
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