Page 29 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 29


        for the MRO suppliers. In addition,   they need for the usage of their aircraft   We know from our maintenance staff every
        intellectual property issues have to be   and for rescheduling their flight plans, but   day  what  problems  are encountered and
        solved and high investments for new test   that is hard to do if you have less capacity,   what materials are used.
        equipment, tools, spare parts etc. have   that include long term contracts.  So if the OEM is interested in the
        to be made. These are big challenges for                                experience we bring, it is a win-win situation.
        Non-OEM MRO providers and they will   AAA: Are you anticipating         But if it doesn’t coalesce, then we compete.
        have consequences for their margins.   further capacity expansion?
        In parallel, the costs for spare parts and   Steinhoff: Yes, we do. As mentioned above.   AAA: What are the long term threats
        repairs are increasing significantly every                              for MRO industry with number of
        year. Therefore new ways of cooperation   AAA: Are you planning any changes   carriers preferring to lease or exchange
        and business models have to be developed   to your engine MRO network   engines rather than do shop visits?
        by MRO suppliers. We expect a stronger   since the engine MRO market has   Steinhoff: The market share of the OEMs
        consolidation process in the MRO business   become increasingly volatile?  will further increase. In a  consequence
        over the next years.                Steinhoff: We will see big change in the   competition will become even harder
                                            engine MRO market. The OEMs hold 50%-  than it is already now and especially
        AAA: What changes are you planning for   60% of the aftermarket at the point of sale   smaller suppliers will face serious
        Lufthansa Technik’s strategic vision?  already. So for an MRO that the accessible   challenges.  We  see  a  consolidation
        Steinhoff:  LHT has already determined   market in a traditional perspective,   phase in the MRO industry for the future
        a new strategic approach within the last   with airlines as the direct customer,   if this trend continues.
        years. One main change are partnerships   is smaller—at least for the first life of
        which we intensified in the last years   the engine. That definitely means more    AAA: Studies show that By 2020, most
        already. The other one is decentralization:   cooperation  among  bigger  MROs  and   companies in the aviation maintenance,
        We want to grow stronger in the Asia-  OEMs. That’s why we teamed up with GE.  repair, and overhaul sector will use new
        Pacific  and Americas  regions.  One good   The risk portfolio they take under   technology in a way that fundamentally
        example is our hangar expansion at   their wings when they sign aftermarket   changes how the industry works. How
        Lufthansa Technik Philippines which will   contracts makes a good fit between   important is innovation, research and
        be operational in early 2016. Therefore we   partners because their traditional model   development for the MRO industry?
        will more and more decentralize functions   is changing, too. They have to keep repair   Steinhoff: Innovation is one of the
        and organizations from Hamburg /    costs in line with the contracts they   basic conditions of our success. So we
        Frankfurt to the world.             sign—and that is the experience LHT   asked ourselves the question of which
                                            brings to the table. For older engines   technologies would enter the market
        AAA: Talking about hangars, how full   and those working under the traditional   with the new aircraft types, and whether
        are your hangars? Are more carriers   mechanisms, that is stable.       they can be influenced by new technical
        committing to longer-term contracts?                                    solutions  with  respect  to  manufacturing
        Steinhoff: Our hangars at LTP in Manila   AAA: Do you agree that MRO shops are   and energy savings. We considered this in
        are fully utilized. We have an excellent   finding it more difficult to meet the   terms of new aircraft types as well as those
        sales network in the market, a large   technical requirements of customers   already in operations, and the result was
        amount of external customers and a good   on certain engine platforms ?  170 individual projects that we identified
        quality of service.                 Steinhoff: The market structure changes   and captured in a technology roadmap.
           But in general we see an overcapacity   and it is very hard for an MRO other than   We also brought the development
        of hangars in the Asia Pacific market. The   the OEM to make all the investments.   teams in the product divisions together in
        main difference between the different   Because of the increased reliability of the   innovation teams, and these employees
        shops is how they are run. MROs that have   aircraft and engines you need more and   are  now  working  exclusively  on
        just one or two lines probably don’t make   more business to gain the scale - about   innovation tasks. They are responsible for
        sense. More carriers with big fleets want   times two, times three. So for smaller   implementing the roadmap together with
        to buy complete lines. The tenders for   facilities will have economically no chance   our newly created central innovation team.
        single checks are dwindling. We are seeing   to survive. If you don’t have the scales, you   Finally, we have more than quadrupled
        bigger projects in the market. But bigger   will not participate.       our investments in innovation, and I think
        airlines will not put all their eggs in one   On the other hand the OEM is a   we are going to see some very concrete
        basket and commit to too long contracts.   potential customer itself. They hold a lot of   successes within the next year or two.
        But I’m very sure that providers that can   signed  contracts  and  have  a  lot  of  risk  in   This process is an ongoing one, so I think
        truly offer three or four lines exclusively   their portfolio. We as LHT have a different   we’re on the right path.
        for bigger projects will succeed in the long   approach to repairs and  on-wing  services.
        run if they give the airlines the flexibility   We look at it from an airline’s perspective.   AAA: Thank You.
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