Page 19 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 19


        management of arrivals and departures and   Airways Systems to implement STARS over   cabinets, cavity filters and controllers. The
        will help operators supply ATC services even   an 18-month period at  TRACONs in New   installation sites will include South Africa’s
        when Vietnam’s air traffic density increases.   York, Dallas/Fort  Worth, Denver, northern   major airports, O.R.  Tambo International
        The agreement also comprises eight video   and southern California, St. Louis, Louisville,   Airport  in Johannesburg  and  Cape  Town
        wall  positions,  installed  into  other  VATM   Minneapolis, Atlanta and  Washington, D.C.   International Airport. Combined, more than
        remote towers. Selex ES will also provide   STARS, a standard system used by both   27 million passengers fly through these two
        services related to the installation, including   the  FAA  and  the  Department  of  Defense,   airports each year. The ATC communications
        the testing and setting up of the systems.   provides guidance for departing and arriving   equipment will replace legacy Park Air
        This contract may open further options for   aircraft in the airport terminal area. “The   systems installed in 1997.
        Selex ES in the near future. It also represents   Raytheon-developed  system  replaces  “I am extremely proud we were selected
        a success which further identifies Selex ES   several generations of existing terminal   to deliver such an important upgrade to
        as one of the major players in the worldwide   automation  systems,  providing  savings  in   our own radio systems deployed across
        ATC business.  Selex ES  is also  currently   life-cycle costs. The system brings additional   South Africa.  This successful long-term
        involved in the new Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic   safety and capacity management to terminal   relationship Northrop Grumman has built
        Control  Centre  (KL ATCC)  at  the Kuala   automation and is a cornerstone of NextGen,   with  our customer  is  a testament  not only
        Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Sepang.   the FAA’s airspace modernization initiative.     to the outstanding quality of our products
        The project is on track and is expected   By 2019, STARS will be installed in every FAA   but also to the trust in our customer support
        to be completed by March 2019. Upon   radar facility,” the official says.  services,” says Milligan. “Twenty years is a
        completion, the new KL ATCC will feature a                              long time to sustain top-tier performance.
        new air traffic management system that is   Northrop Grumman Park Air   We are delighted the customer has the
        capable of handling an increasing number   Systems                      confidence we can do the same for the
        of aircraft traffic at KLIA and Kuala Lumpur   Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems   next 20 years.” Northrop Grumman was
        International Airport 2 (KLIA2).    which supplies communication systems for   awarded the contract by prime contractor
                                            airspace operations worldwide celebrates   and in-country partner AME Air  Traffic
        Raytheon                            the 50th anniversary of its founding this   Management  (Pty) Ltd.  The end customer
        According to a Raytheon’s spokesman, the   year. “Park Air Systems will supply air traffic   is Air Traffic and Navigation Services, which
        company’s air traffic management systems   control (ATC) communication systems   provides air traffic, navigation, training and
        provide improved safety, capacity, efficiency   equipment in a nationwide upgrade across   associated  services  within  South  Africa
        and environmental benefits required to   South Africa,” says Danny Milligan, managing   and a large part of the Southern Indian and
        accommodate the forecasted increase in air   director, Park Air Systems, the U.K.-based   Atlantic Oceans, comprising approximately
        traffic around the world. Air traffic programs   subsidiary  of  Northrop  Grumman.  The   10 per cent of the world’s airspace.
        include Digital Airport Surveillance Radar   contract will utilise the Park Air  T6 Radio,
        (DASR) which is a solid-state, terminal area   with more than 550  VHF units deployed
        air traffic control radar that can be controlled   to  50  sites.  Other  system  elements  will
        and monitored from multiple locations.   include Park Air’s remote control and   Optimal use of air traffic
        Another  programme-  Deployable  Radar   monitoring system (RCMS), multi-access   systems  could  save  nine
        Approach Control (D-RAPCON) is an “air       remote  control  (MARC)  server,  integrated   million tonnes of fuel annually
        traffic control system in a box” and has the
        capability to bring instant air traffic control
        to the battlefield or a disaster site.
           Raytheon’s Joint Precision Approach and
        Landing System (JPALS) is an all-weather,
        all-mission landing system based on Global
        Positioning System (GPS). It provides
        landing  guidance  for fixed  and  rotary wing
        aircraft and features anti-jam protection.
        Raytheon,  which bagged the 2016 Industrial
        Award from Air Traffic Control Association
        for modernizing key air traffic systems that
        control  the  most  complex  and  congested
        airspaces in the United States, worked
        in partnership with the   Federal Aviation
        Administration (FAA), the National Air Traffic
        Controllers Association and Professional
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