Page 23 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 23


           Overall, Honeywell expects to see   avionics on growing platforms, which has   ‘Smart APU Initiative’ and ‘Connected
        continued  regional  growth and  demand  for   allowed it to grow faster than the industry   Weather Radar Initiative’, respectively.
        its aftermarket products and services, and   average. For instance, Honeywell has the   To give you a glimpse of what the
        is committed to supporting the aftermarket   largest installed base of APUs – 36,000   Connected  Aircraft  can  be  like  –  the
        needs of the region to help airlines achieve   and growing – in the industry, with service   Connected Radar capability is enabled
        time and cost savings from reduced aircraft   agreements on nearly 5,000 of them.  by Honeywell’s most advanced IntuVue®
        downtime and quicker turnaround.                                        RDR-4000  3D weather  radar system  that
                                            What is the future of MRO and how   flies on leading commercial airliners. When
        How do attitudes towards used parts in the   is Honeywell poised to drive this   Connected Radar becomes operational
        APAC compare to other regions?      transformation by tapping on the growth   (expected in early 2017), Honeywell will be
        Honeywell has seen attitudes towards used   potential of the Connected Aircraft?  able to download weather hazard data from
        parts by the airlines improve in the last five   Honeywell’s vision for the future of MRO   all participating IntuVue-equipped aircraft,
        years and believes that it will continue on   embraces the concept of the Connected   combine it with multiple other inputs, and
        the  same  trend  in  the  near  future. The  key   Aircraft where operators and maintenance   make it immediately available to pilots and
        benefits for working with Honeywell on used   crew are able to gather real-time data   dispatchers using the Weather Information
        parts include high quality reconditioned   wirelessly from APUs and other mechanical   Service app.
        equipment,  availability  of rare  and  hard-to-  components in a seamless fashion, while
        find  parts,  competitive pricing,  short  lead   achieving even greater time and cost   Going forward, how does Honeywell intend
        times and reduced cost of ownership.  savings.  This  is  already  becoming  a  reality   to expand its business in the APAC region?
                                            with global high-speed networks like GX   Honeywell is continuously evaluating the
        Where is demand centred on for used   Aviation which has the ability to send data to   needs of the region, and is focused on
        parts?                              and from the aircraft for real-time analytics   expanding its portfolio of services for its
        The industry sees a demand for used parts   and applications for operational personnel   customers as well as its team of engineers
        particularly in the area for genuine parts that   and maintainers.  The Connected Aircraft    and customer support managers in Asia
        are  guaranteed  by  the  supplier. Honeywell   opens the door to wirelessly track, aggregate   Pacific. Honeywell’s plan is to best support
        is working on expanding its Honeywell   and analyse data from various parts of an   airlines with in-house MRO and third-party
        Aerospace Trading business which helps to   airplane, including the wheels and brakes, the   service providers by providing knowledge,
        procure used parts for operators that want a   APUs or other mechanical components that   training, engineering expertise and supplies,
        lower cost of ownership.            historically have not been connected.   while lowering the airlines’ cost of ownership.
           Honeywell also believes that getting   Honeywell is working to develop a way to   Following the success of its partnership
        on the right platforms paves the way for   pull data from wirelessly connected aircraft   with various airlines in Asia Pacific, Honeywell
        future opportunities and growth. Honeywell   brakes and APUs in addition to weather radar   is optimistic about future collaborations
        has benefitted from putting its engines and   systems under its new ‘Smart Brake Initiative’,   with airlines and local operators, and
                                                                                is committed to providing reliable and
                                                                                industry-leading MRO capabilities for the
                                                                                commercial aviation industry in the region.

                                                                                Honeywell’s Connected Radar
                                                                                which is expected to become
                                                                                operational in early 2017, will
                                                                                allow  participating  IntuVue-
                                                                                equipped aircraft to download
                                                                                weather hazard data from
                                                                                each other and combine it with
                                                                                multiple other inputs
                                                                                               SIAN AIRLINES & AEROSP
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