Page 26 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 26


        MRO NEWS ANd uPdATES

                                                                                STG Aerospace Secures Airlink
                                                                                as 12th LED Lighting Customer
                                                                                STG Aerospace, a market leader in
                                                                                aftermarket LED cabin lighting solutions,
                                                                                has announced that South African regional
                                                                                feeder airline Airlink has chosen to retrofit
                                                                                12  of their  aircraft  with  the company’s
          CFM56-5C Engine on Lufthansa Airbus A340 Crosses 100,000              drop-in liTeMood LED lighting system.
          Flight Hours Milestone                                               “Not only were we extremely pleased with
           The first CFM56-5C engine to have passed   Lufthansa  Technik  has  fully  the  enhanced  quality  of  the light  in the
          100,000 flight hours has been service since   overhauled the engine four times. As   cabin, we were equally impressed by STG
          1993 on a Lufthansa Passage Airbus A340.   part of such an overhaul, components   Aerospace’s ability to meet our supply
          The CFM56-5C engine has been operational   are thoroughly inspected, repaired if   deadlines and the ease with which we are
          since November 16, 1993 and today flies in   necessary and reassembled following   able to install the system on our fleet. Nice
          position 1 (outer left) on A340-300 D-AIGS   exhaustive tests.  The finalized engine   result!” said Neil Wilson, Airlink’s Executive
          (“Golf Sierra”). “The outstanding reliability   is then checked in the test facility,   Manager, Fleet Support and RPA. Airlink
          of the CFM56 is once again demonstrated   where further checking takes place only   becomes the 12th airline to install STG
          by this number of flight hours,” says   upon competing of  which the engine is   Aerospace’s LED lighting solution; the
          Bernhard  Krueger-Sprengel,  Head  of   installed back on the aircraft. An engine   first installation of which was completed
          Engine Services at Lufthansa Technik. “We   run-up test is then performed in a noise   in October 2016. The South African airline
          are very proud of the close and trusting   protection hangar, following which the   is also the first LED lighting customer in
          cooperation developed over the decades   engine is certified to commence flight   Africa for STG Aerospace.
          with CFM International.”          operations.

                                                                                Emirates Opts for Thales
          Esterline Illuminated Cockpit Controls for Citation Longitude         AVANT IFE for Boeing 777X
          All illuminated switch components along   advances  in  high-reliability  control  Emirates has selected  Thales’ AVANT
          with the  overhead lighting  panel for   solutions and LED lighting technology have   IFE solution for its future Boeing 777X
          the cockpit of the new Cessna Citation   allowed us to support  Textron Aviation’s   fleet.  The announcement was made at
          Longitude super- midsize business jet,   goal of offering its customers a state-  APEX 2016 in Singapore. The selection of
          will be supplied by Esterline Control &   of-the-art,  cost-effective cockpit.”  The   the AVANT IFE by Emirates means that
          Communication  Systems.  “Esterline  is   Citation Longitude cockpit will be fitted   Thales will be the first to equip its inflight
          proud to continue its long association with   with Esterline products such as the Korry   entertainment systems on the B777X
          Textron Aviation and the Citation family of   389 and 1380 LED pushbutton switches,   platform. The world’s largest international
          business jets,” said Mike McCoy, president   overhead lighting-control panel, and   airline, Emirates, has 150 Boeing 777X
          of Esterline Control & Communication   illuminated knobs, as well as Janco rotary   aircraft on order with deliveries slated to
          Systems’ Korry facility. “Our pioneering   control products.          commence in 2020.

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