Page 21 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 21


        and traditional mid-tier and top tier carriers   to develop a number of products in the Wi-  airliners.   When dealing with a narrowbody
        are now also looking more and more at our   Fi space.  We have 2 customers that have   fleet, typically you have more tails to deal
        PAVES on demand systems. In Asia there is   already selected our systems. We will also   with and these tails are scattered over a
        still significant demand for broadcast for the   be flying the systems for a number of other   larger geographical area when they are on
        overhead retractable systems for narrow   customers  that we  are actively working   the ground, as  they are  not always parked
        bodies.  This  is  driven  by  operational  needs   with going forward. In terms of technical   overnight at the same place as widebody
        to do safety demos and to be able to do   challenges for Wi-Fi – the bigger technical   jetliners do. Narrowbody fleets also fly more
        them consistently and in multiple languages   challenge is the bandwidth requirements,   segments every day, so there is not only
        every single time. It is also driven by the need   which are growing so rapidly that the   greater wear and tear, but loading of content
        to reconfigure seating configurations on   technology struggles to keep up. We can put   on these aircraft becomes quite challenging.
        aircraft rapidly. We are seeing upticks in every   WAPS on an airplane today, that can support   The airline needs to make sure that it has a
        category; wireless, PAVES on demand, in-seat   effectively all of the seats available on an   content loading capability that optimises
        and overhead systems.  The most surprising   airplane, based  on average usage  rates,   usage of the system and doesn’t penalise the
        aspect to us has been the take-up rate in in-  that we see now. However, a year from now,   customers.  With PAVES On-Demand, which
        seat video for narrow-body airplanes.   these average usage rates will be larger by   is a seat centric IFE system, the content
                                            a factor of 10. So keeping up with this is the   is loaded directly onto the device on the
        What are the developments related to high-  bigger technical challenge.   seat, this provides a much more responsive
        speed Wi-Fi on commercial jetliners?                                    system as all the data is not being pulled
        High speed  Wi-Fi on aircraft is critical to   What are the maintenance and logistic   over from a network. Customers also obtain
        unlocking the future potential of IFE on   requirements for IFE systems?  dramatically greater storage capability for
        jetliners. People talk about connectivity a   It is not as much as the maintenance of an   dramatically less cost because all the data is
        lot and it gets a lot of press. But it is very   IFE system on a day to day basis, as it is the   being stored on SD cards. This is also makes
        important to understand that connectivity   logistics of managing the IFE systems fleet   PAVES On-Demand, considerably more
        does not operate without  Wi-Fi on the   wide. When an airline is looking at choosing   future proof, as the SD cards can be changed
        airplane. You can receive band-width from   in IFE system today, they are looking more   for  higher  capacity.  It  also  eliminates  the
        a satellite on the airplane, but you need a   carefully at how content can be loaded on the   problems associated with a single point of
        device to distribute the bandwidth inside   device. This is because loading content on an   failure and PAVES On-Demand delivers in
        the airplane and this is the really important   in-seat system or loading large volumes of   terms of redundancy, cost, reliability. This is
        aspect. We made a significant acquisition in   content is even more complicated on a single-  unlike our two competitors who are still head
        this space two years ago, and are continuing   aisle  aircraft as  compared  to twin-aisle   end centric with their IFE systems.

                                                                                               SIAN AIRLINES & AEROSP
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