Page 16 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 16

inteRVieW saFRan aiRCRaFt enGines

        Ready for Deployment

        Safran Aircraft Engines Brussels is the first Part145 certified LEAP-1A engine MRO

        the FiRst LeaP-1a enGines WiLL soon                                     Part145 certification, in addition to the GE
        be in  revenue service and Safran Aircraft                              Lafayette site. On-Site Support to airlines is
        Engines is working hard to ensure that                                  also available on multiple locations all over
        MRO facilities will be ready in time. “SAESB                            the world, to ensure that technicians can be
        had to work for nearly two years to get                                 at the operators’ base in less than 24 hours.
        ready for the LEAP-1A, including a site                                 Some of these sites will be able to perform
        reorganization, installation of a dedicated                             quick turns (light shop visits). To ensure the
        maintenance line, a redefinition of MRO                                 most effective support as soon as the entry
        processes and investment in machinery                                   into service, stress tests have been carried
        and equipment adapted to the size and                                   out to check that all the employees know
        materials of the new engine, Pierre Schroer,                            what tasks they have to do, in which order, if
        Services Business Development General                                   they have the proper set of tools and if the
        Manager  for  Safran  Aircraft  Engines,                                logistic is in place.
        tells Asian Airlines & Aerospace. Edited                                   In  addition,  several  operators  have
        excerpts from the interview.                                            already undergone training at Safran Aircraft
                                                                                Engines to handle the modules under their
        What are the latest updates on the LEAP –   Pierre  Schroer, Services  Business  Development   responsibility. Besides the OEM MRO
        in terms of MRO activities?         General Manager, Safran Aircraft Engines  capability, we expect airlines MROs shops
        Safran Aircraft  Engines  is putting a lot of                           and also independent MROs to propose their
        energy and investments to be ready to   maintenance line, the acquisition of the   services for the LEAP overhaul.
        give airlines all the overhaul services they   necessary tools, a redefinition of MRO
        need. Safran Aircraft Engines Brussels   processes and investment in machinery   Please provide an update on CFM-56
        (SAESB) will be the first Safran shop to   and equipment adapted to the size and   engine MRO services as production slows
        earn Part145 certification on LEAP-1A   materials of the new engine (composite fan   down?
        after a stringent qualification process.   blades and case, titanium aluminide low-  Even if CFM56-5B and -7B engine
        SAESB had to work for nearly two years to   pressure turbine blades,..).  Saint Quentin   production will slow down with the ramp-
        get ready for the LEAP-1A, including a site   MRO shop will be the next Safran Aircraft   up of the LEAP engine models, the CFM56
        reorganization, installation of a dedicated   Engine maintenance facility to get LEAP   engine installed base will generate in the
                                                                                coming years an increase of MRO activities
                                                                                in terms of number of engine shop visits.
             LEAP-1B Engine for the Boeing 737 MAX                              Let’s focus on some figures to better
            François Bastin, CFM Programs Director at Safran Aircraft Engines and Executive   illustrate  the  CFM56  MRO  market  for  the
            Vice President of CFM                                               next decade: at the end of 2015, 50 percent
                                            The LEAP-1B engine is now certified (since   of the CFM56-5B and -7B fleet in service
                                            May, 4th, 2016), both by the European   was less than 10-year-old, and more than
                                            EASA and U.S. FAA. The certification test   60 percent of the engines have never had
                                            program went smoothly with results in   a shop visit. In addition, more than 27000
                                            line with the expectations, paving the way   CFM56  engines  will  be  in  operation  in
                                            for entry into commercial service in 2017.   2018.  There is consequently no reduction
                                            The LEAP-1B engine flew for the first time   foreseen on CFM56 engine MRO in the next
                                            on the Boeing 737 MAX on January 29,   coming years.
                                            2016.  So far four 737 MAX are in test and
                                            more than 800 hours of flight tests have
                                            been logged on over 300 flights (as of
                                            July). Measurements show that the engine
                                            is fully on track to meet the desired

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