Page 53 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 53

inteRVieW PRatt & Whitney

        Transitioning into Service

        Pratt & Whitney is working to ensure a smooth GTF engine transition into airline fleets

        PRatt & Whitney’s PW1100G-JM enGine   gated process to ensure the operator’s
        is powering 13 aircraft on four airlines,   readiness.  Together with our customer, we
        with a dispatch reliability of 99.9percent.   develop fully executed readiness plans to
        ‘This has been exceeded only by the 777   make sure important elements are planned
        engine back in 1995 where at the same   for, such as engine training, manuals, field
        point in its program history, it was at 100   rep coverage, spare engines, and initial
        percent,”  says  Liping  Xie,  Vice  President   provisioning hardware.   We also conduct
        of Sales, East Asia Pacific Region, Pratt &   EIS simulation exercises with customers
        Whitney, in an interview with Asian Airlines   to make sure they know who to call in
        and Aerospace.   To ensure that these   different scenarios and how to care for
        new engines transition smoothly into   their new engines.  We place seasoned,
        their existing fleets, “We place seasoned,   experienced  EIS  representatives  on-site
        experienced  EIS  representatives  on-site   at the GTF engine airlines for 3 to 6 months
        at the GTF engine airlines for 3 to 6 months   as appropriate, to ensure that these new
        as appropriate,” Xie informs. Edited   engines transition smoothly into their
        excerpts from the interview.        existing fleets. And, we’ve invested in our
                                            world-class, 24 / 7 / 365 Global Operations   Liping Xie,  Vice President of Sales, East Asia
        What is the latest update on the GTF engines   Center (GOC) to extend customer support   Pacific Region, Pratt & Whitney
        that are operational with airlines today?   for fleet technical and logistics needs.
        Xie: Pratt & Whitney is currently powering                              What is the percentage of new generation
        13  aircraft  with  our  PW1100G-JM  engine   What are the operational benefits of GTF and   materials, composites, additive
        on four airlines, with a dispatch reliability   expected reduction in maintenance costs?  manufactured parts on the GTF?
        of 99.9 percent.  That is the second best   Xie:  The GTF engine offers a 16 percent   Xie: Pratt & Whitney’s innovative products,
        dispatch reliability in the history of the   reduction in fuel burn, 75 percent   technologies and services are leading a new
        company, exceeded only by the 777 engine   reduction in noise footprint, 50 percent   era in aviation – a generation ahead.  Pratt
        back in 1995 where at the same point in   reduction in emissions when compared to   &  Whitney’s PurePower Geared  Turbofan
        its program history, it was at 100 percent.     today’s aircraft.  From  an  operating  cost   technology is a triumph of innovation
        This has been a  phenomenal  entry  into   perspective, GTF engine operators will   resulting in commercial aircraft engines
        service.  We are achieving our 16 percent   save up to $1 million per aircraft per year,   that are more fuel  efficient,  cleaner and
        fuel burn reduction commitment as well as   while maintaining overall maintenance   quieter than today’s engines.  In addition
        noise and emissions obligations. Amongst   requirements consistent with today’s   to our fan drive gear system, 48 new
        the four operators flying today, over   narrow body engines.  No other single   technologies  were  matured  to enable  the
        900,000 gallons of fuel have been saved   aisle engine comes close to this level   GTF engine’s benefits.  Pratt & Whitney has
        since entry into service.  We also have the   of performance.   The engine has 2,000   pioneered additive manufacturing since
        PW1500G engine in service on two aircraft   fewer airfoils, six fewer stages and lower   the 1980s and has made more 100,000
        with excellent dispatch reliability   and   engine core temperatures, results in a   additively-manufactured  prototypes
        high  customer  acceptance  not  only  from   maintenance friendly engine.   The fan   (including tooling and development engine
        the airline, but from flying customers. The   drive gear system is designed to run for   hardware).   Additionally,   we’ve   made
        environmental benefits really payoff in the   infinite life with no life limited parts. Not   hundreds  of  additively-manufactured
        European region.                    only is it a great engine, we have a great   parts  to  support  development  of  the
                                            GTF MRO network in place to support   PurePower Geared  Turbofan family of
        What steps is P&W taking to ensure that   our customers.  This network includes the   engines, several of which have been flight
        Asian customers and MRO providers are well   industry’s top MRO companies to provide   tested and enabled some of the unique
        versed with maintenance procedures and   the highest quality maintenance support   attributes of our PurePower engine.
        have the necessary infrastructure at hand?  for GTF engines.  Operators want long-
        Xie: Pratt &  Whitney works with GTF   term, sustainable value.  That’s what we’re
        engine operators 18 months prior to entry   providing with the GTF MRO network.
        into service (EIS), using a structured,
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