Page 55 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 55


         Gulfstream Unveils Flight
         Planning App                        AAR to Provide Landing Gear Maintenance to Asiana Airlines
         The first phase in the development of   Asian carrier  Asiana Airlines  has signed   growing aviation markets in the world,”
         the ‘Performance iPad App’, an intuitive   up  with  global  aerospace  leader  AAR  for   says Peter Loeb,  Vice President, Global
         mobile  application,  designed  to  help   the first time for landing gear overhaul   Sales and Marketing, AAR Landing Gear
         Gulfstream operators streamline flight   and exchange services  for 767-38EF-300   Services.  The five-year agreement also
         operations has been completed by    and 777-200ER jetliners. “AAR’s strong   covers landing gear assemblies and sub-
         Gulfstream Aerospace.  The airframer   reputation, competitive shop turnaround   assemblies for Asiana’s Boeing 767 and 777
         announced that the new app will be a   time and proven quality has allowed us to   fleet, with AAR performing the landing gear
         companion to Gulfstream’s PlaneBook   forge relationships with new customers in   overhauls  in its  dedicated  Miami  landing
         electronic suite of flight crew information.   the Asia Pacific region, one of the fastest-  gear overhaul facility.
         “The Gulfstream Performance app makes
         complex information easy to consume for
         the flight crew because it is presented in a
         clear and simple visual format,” said Derek
         Zimmerman,   president,  Gulfstream
         Product Support. “The accuracy of the
         data, the intuitive visual interface and
         the time-saving features make this app
         unique and invaluable.” Gulfstream G650
         or G650ER flight crew will be able to
         utilise the new Performance iPad App to
         quickly calculate precise performance
         data for the takeoff and landing phases of
         flight, replacing paper charts and manual
         calculations.  The data is displayed in
         simple, easy-to-understand graphics and
         a  model-specific  weight-and-balance
         file validated by Gulfstream Flight
         Operations, is used by the Gulfstream
         Performance app, allowing operators
         to quickly determine their takeoff and   Jet Aviation Installs Advanced Dish Washer on VVIP Aircraft
         landing weights after inputting the   Leading  business  aviation  services  super mid-size business jets,” says Johannes
         number of passengers along with cargo   company Jet Aviation, has announced the   Turzer, senior vice president and general
         and fuel load.                      recent installation of the first in-flight   manager of Jet Aviation’s Maintenance
                                             dishwasher developed in-house at its   Center in Basel. The ADW 600 compatible
                                             Basel facility on a VVIP Airbus 330-200ER.   with a gentle, eco-friendly soap suitable
                                            The Aviation DishWasher (ADW 600)   for  both  silver  and  aluminium  and  with  a
                                             installation was certified through the EASA   3-minute wash cycle, significantly reduces
                                             PART-21 DOA minor modification approval   the number of dishes on the aircraft, while
                                             process. “We are currently finalizing   liberating additional storage space. It
                                             development of the ADW 450, a lighter 450   can also be used to heat up dishes before
                                             mm-wide model, which will fit all mid- and   serving meals.

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