Page 19 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 19

                                                                                                        BOEING 797

        Next from Boeing

        The U.S. airframer has figured out the magic blend of price, performance and production
        costs that will make the new aircraft a best-seller
        By Geoffrey Thomas

                                            Boeing is Moving CLoser to A LAUnCH   with a range of up to 5,000nm. “The aircraft
                                            of its next aircraft the 797 which will address   (797) will have a sixth-generation composite
                                            the so-called middle of the market gap of   wing, more electrical systems and advanced,
                                            a 200-270 seater. According to Bloomberg   high-bypass ratio engines,” Delaney said.
                                            United has taken a close look and “likes what   This engine is the pacing item say
                                            it sees.” “What we’ve seen so far is very, very   analysts. “It needs to be a development of the
                                            interesting to us,” Andrew Levy, United’s   Pratt & Whitney’s GTF or a new engine from
                                            chief financial officer, said in an interview   GE or Rolls,” the analysts told AAA. “To make
                                            at ISTAT in San Diego in March reported   the business case work the engine must
                                            by Bloomberg. “We certainly hope Boeing   deliver very significant fuel savings.”  The
                                            launches the airplane.  We think there is a   engine size needs to be between 40,000lbs
                                            need for it.” The design appears to be very   and 45,000lb thrust and Boeing is seeking
                                            close to that outlined in Asian Airlines and   proposals from engine makers. Consensus
                                            Airports (Sept/Oct 2015) with a twin-aisle   is that one will be the development of the
                                            design almost identical similar to the DC-  GTF from Pratt and  Whiney possibly in
                                            11 of 1981 that Delta Air Lines wanted. Last   partnership with Rolls and GE will submit a
                                            year Mike Delaney,  VP and GM of airplane   design.  Delaney says the targets is twin-aisle
                                            development  at  Boeing  Commercial  with single-aisle economics. And because
        McDonnell Douglas’s ATMR or DC-11   Airplanes, told AAA that Boeing had input   the engine is the pacing item, the entry into
        of 1980 had twin aisles with a
        promise of 24 percent lower fuel    from 36 airlines and there was a consensus   service (EIS) date is 2024/25 according
        burn than the 757                   for an aircraft between 200 and 270 seats   to Boeing’s chairman, president and CEO
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