Page 17 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 17


        Global 7000 business jet’s unique USP will be   The drop-in prices of pre-owned aircraft has   5X in 2018. The 5X will also provide a hint of
        the four living spaces and a dedicated crew   led to a delay in uptake for new aircraft. There   future business jets developed by Dassault
        rest area in addition to being able to fly as far   has also been a reduction of prices.  When   Aviation, “All of our future airplanes will have
        as 7,400 NM (13,705 km) at Mach 0.85 with   the pre-owned market starts moving, it will   a cabin size of 5X,” said Trappier.
        eight passengers.                   signal the start of a recovery in sales,” said   The Falcon 8X entered service in
                                            Eric Trappier CEO Dassault Aviation during   October 2016 and has already been delivered
        Dassault Falcon                     the 2016 results press conference held in   to customers in a number of key markets,
        The Dassault Falcon family of business jets   Saint-Cloud in March.     including  Europe, the  United States,  the
        comprise  of six aircraft ranging from  the   The unprecedented delay in bringing to   Middle East, India and Brazil. Greek operator
        flagship tri-engine ultra-long range Falcon   market the Falcon 5X following difficulties   AMJet Executive was the launch customer
        8X, which has a range of 6,450 nm (11,945 km)   with its new SilverCrest engine has also   for the  latest Dassault  Falcon flagship.
        to the twin-engine Falcon 2000S which has a   compounded matters further. Deliveries of   The aircraft is already demonstrating the
        range of 3,350 nm (6,200 km). The Falcon 7X,   the Falcon 5X to customers is now scheduled   characteristics of a type that has been in
        the new but delayed Falcon 5X which is yet   to commence only in early 2020, instead of   service for a few years in terms of reliability
        to enter service and the Falcon 900 LX and   end  2017.  Speaking  at  Dassault  Aviation’s   and availability. In  March Dassault  Falcon
        2000 LXS complete line-up of business jets.   annual  press  conference,  said,  “We  are   announced that the revolutionary Combined
        The 2016 order intake for Falcon jets was   working with Safran on this every single   Vision System (CVS) developed by Dassault
        21 Falcon’s including 12 5X’s whose orders   day. The first demand we made was that the   Aviation had been certified by the European
        were cancelled as a result of delays with the   engine meet its technical requirements and   Aviation  Safety Agency  and the  Federal
        Safran Aircraft Engines SilverCrest engine.   the second strong demand we made was   Aviation Administration for use on the
        The company delivered 49 Falcon jets in   that they should stick to the new schedule.   Falcon 8X ultra-long range trijet. FalconEye
        2016, compared to 55 in 2015 and the order   We have been working with them to ensure   will eventually be qualified not only for
        backlog as of December 31, 2016, stood at 63   that the milestones are adhered to. SAFRAN   use on a single HUD but also in dual HUD
        aircraft. Despite a loyal customer base the   has been putting a lot of efforts over the last   configuration on the Falcon 8X. Not only
        Falcon jet family  has suffered greatly from   couple of years. There is a cost associated   will FalconEye provide an unprecedented
        the sluggish market for new business aircraft   with the delay in the deliveries of the aircraft   level of  pilot situational  awareness  and
        and sales have been further hampered by   to the market of course.” Elaborating on the   flight safety,” says Philippe Rebourg,
        high inventory of levels of used aircraft,   direction for the 5X in 2017 he said, “In 2017   Dassault  Aviation’s project  test pilot,  “it
        which driven down the prices of aircraft.   we will have to make sure that the engine   will greatly enhance the efficiency and cost
        “The market may not recover very fast in   development at SAFRAN is taking place   effectiveness of customers’ fleets.” Almost
        2017, though some recovery in the American   properly  and  the  technical  milestones  are   all Falcon 8X customers  have  selected
        market expected.  The Northern European   reached. 1st flight tests will take place on   FalconEye,  which  was  previously  certified
        market is fine, however, recovery in the   SAFRAN aircraft. SAFRAN will commence   for use on the Falcon 2000 series and the
        market is only expected from 2018 onwards.   integration of the Silvercrest on the Falcon   Falcon 900LX. Developed by Dassault

                                                                                Pictured is the new Combined
                                                                                Vision  System  (CVS)  called
                                                                                ‘FalconEye’ developed by Dassault
                                                                                Aviation  and  Elbit  Systems.
                                                                                FalconEye will be qualified not only
                                                                                for use on a single HUD but also
                                                                                in  dual  HUD  configuration  on  the
                                                                                Falcon 8X
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