Page 28 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 28


        Looking Ahead

        Caroline Vandedrinck, S R Technics Vice President (americas) talks about various
        industry trends and the company’s plans for the region
        By Arun Sivasankaran

        25  YeArs in  tHe  WorLd oF  CiviL   KLM Engineering & Maintenance have been
        aviation have given Caroline Vandedrinck, S   playing up their core strengths to make up
        R Technics Vice President (Americas), a well-  for the advantage that companies in regions
        rounded perspective that not many in the   where the labor is less expensive have over
        industry can claim to have. Having seen the   them. At SR  Technics, there has been an
        industry flounder during the recession and   added focus on innovation.  “We have been
        then get back on the rails before enjoying its   innovating and making our processes better,”
        best ever year in 2016, Vandedrinck says that   says  Vandedrinck. “We have done it for 80
        although it is unrealistic to expect last year’s   years; we know how to do it correctly the first
        purple patch to continue, the Maintenance   time. As we are very efficient, we have been
        Repair & Overhaul (MRO) industry continues   able to tie down the actual labour hours. We
        to be in robust health. She believes that both   have many decades of experience and that
        the European and North American MRO   helps us; it will take the newer MROs some
        markets still have room for growth, even if   time before they can do the same amount of
        the Asia Pacific region is growing faster.  hours for a certain task as we do.”
           “Because a lot of the aircraft are going
        into Asia, you would say Asia is definitely an  Global Presence
        area where my colleagues are focusing very   China-based HNA Aviation last year   Caroline Vandedrinck, S R Technics Vice President
        hard, but so is Europe,” says  Vandedrinck.   announced plans to acquire an 80 percent   (Americas)
        “Europe is growing as well. When you look at   stake in the company, but even before that,
        the installed fleet in America, it is quite big.   SR  Technics has been steadily expanding   The company is also looking to tap the
        It is more concentrated; you have airlines   its global presence. “Even though some   potential of the Latin American market.
        that have 700-800 aircraft.” A noticeable   people assume that we would be expensive,   “We have established some long-term
        trend in the industry is MRO activities   being in Switzerland, we have global   partnerships in Latin America, and these
        moving towards low cost nations like   facilities,” says  Vandedrinck, “  We have   clients are very important to our company,”
        Mexico,  Malaysia  and  Brazil,  particularly  in   facilities in Malaysia, Ireland and Malta; we   says  Vandedrinck. “We are also actively
        labour intensive heavy maintenance checks.   are  not  just concentrated  in  Switzerland.   looking for new opportunities.”
        Vandedrinck believes cost is just one of the   The  management  is there  and  we  do  have
        factors that influence decision-making.  shops there, but it is not the only place. Our   Big Opportunity with Leasing
           “It is about quality, turnaround time   prices, just like anyone else’s, are market-  Companies
        and cost,”  says  Vandedrinck, who  was  Vice   driven. It does not matter what our cost   With many carriers leaning more toward
        President, Europe and CIS for Sikorsky   is, it depends on what the customer needs   leasing rather than buying aircraft, the
        before joining SR  Technics. “In order to be   and what our competitors are offering.” The   leasing market has grown substantially in
        competitive, the company needs to have   North American fleet is forecast to grow   recent years. It is something that airlines
        solutions tailored to the customers’ needs   the slowest globally, at an average of less   are trying to take advantage of. “It is a good
        and be creative. One solution does not fit   than 1 percent annually over the next decade,   time for airlines right now,” says a delighted
        all. I am a great proponent of spending time   but SR Technics remains fully committed to   Juan Carlos Zuazua, CEO of ultra-low cost
        with the customer, understanding what their   developing and strengthening its presence   Mexican carrier  VivaAerobus. “There is so
        requirements are, and understanding their   in the region. “We are evaluating the   much competition in the leasing arena. All
        specific needs.”                    market dynamics and market opportunities   the big players are entering the industry
                                            continuously,” says Vandedrinck. “Many of the   with impressive offerings, thus bringing the
        Countering Competition with         main carriers have maintenance capabilities,   lease-risk factor down.”
        Innovation                          and of course the OEM’s have capability as   The increasing role played by leasing
        SR Technics and other MRO giants such as   well. This makes it a challenging market but   companies and the resultant transitions
        Lufthansa Technik and Air France Industries   there are plenty of opportunities.”  in aircraft ownership have opened up new
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