Page 2 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2019 Online Magazine
P. 2

                                                                                    EDITORIAL HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                    BOOKING/MATERIAL DEADLINE
                                                                                          10  March, 2019
                                                    MARCH / APRIL 2019

      The  Mar
      The  Mar ch/April issue of Asian Airlines & Aer ospace will be an MRO special issue, that will be distributed at
      The  Mar
               ch/April issue of Asian Airlines & Aer
      The  Mar
      The  March/April issue of Asian Airlines & Aerospace will be an MRO special issue, that will be distributed at
               ch/April issue of Asian Airlines & Aer
                                                   ospace will be an MRO special issue, that will be distributed at
                                                   ospace will be an MRO special issue, that will be distributed at
                                                   ospace will be an MRO special issue, that will be distributed at
               ch/April issue of Asian Airlines & Aer
      MRO America to be held in Atlanta, Georgia.  If you would like your MRO company to be featured, please
      MRO America to be held in Atlanta, Geor
                                                                                                     ed, please
                                                                                                     ed, please
                                               gia.  If you would like your MRO company to be featur
                                               gia.  If you would like your MRO company to be featur
      MRO America to be held in Atlanta, Geor
      MRO America to be held in Atlanta, Georgia.  If you would like your MRO company to be featured, please
      send an email to
                                                                 AI and aviation:
                                                                 AI and aviation:
     Digital twins                                               AI and aviation:
                                                                 AI and aviation:
     A method that is catching on in the aviation MRO            Predictive maintenance, which can help increase
     industry, enable companies to save resources with           fleet availability by up to 35 percent and reduce
     prescriptive and predictive analytics. We look at how       labor costs by 10 percent, has become a major
     OEMs, airlines and MROs are using digital twins to          focus area for players in the aviation industry.
     minimize operating costs and optimize operational           According to a recent Aviation Digital
     availability of assets.                                     Transformation survey, nearly 40 percent of
                                                                 respondents identified AI as a key investment area.
                                                                 We look at how major players are using AI in their

     AMT shortage:                                               Innovations in MRO:

     The shortage of aviation mechanics within the next          In this section, we look at new initiatives and
     decade is one of the major challenges for MROs              products that are reshaping the future of the
     and airlines globally. The U.S. alone is predicted to       industry. If you would like your product or initiative
     have a shortage of 15,000 certified AMTs by 2027.           to be featured in this section, email us at
     We look at how various companies are addressing   
     the issue.

                           BONUS DISTRIBUTION: MRO AMERICA - APRIL 9-11, 2019

        2 | January/February 2019 FOR ADVERTISING CONTACT:
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