Page 4 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 4

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                                                                           TAKING IT
                                                                           UP A NOTCH

                                                                           partners to develop Prognos
                                                                           into a digital platform that is
                  MAINTENANCE REP AIR O V ERHA UL                          AFI KLM E&M is working with
                                  INTERV IE W S / AIRLINES                 both open and neutral


                                                                05         A NEW REALITY
                                                                           Virtual Reality training tools are
                                                 FINDING THE               making a real difference
                                                     RIGHT MIX
                                   The MRO industry has to ensure          27
                                        that the human element in          PARTNERING FOR
                                         maintenance is given due          GROWTH
                                                                           AAR’s OEM Solutions business is
                                                                09         set to take advantage of a
                                                                           growing Asian market
                                    COMPOSITE CULTURE

                                           Commercial aircraft with        29
                                         predominantly composite           PLANNING AHEAD
                                    components requires new and
                                             effective maintenance         Predictive Maintenance is hailed
                                                           strategies      as the MRO industry’s next big
                                                                 13        33

                                               POWERING UP
                                        Engines MROs are offering          IDLE POWER
                                                innovative solutions       Indian LCC IndiGo continues its
                                                                           struggle with P&W GTF Engines
                                                                 15        35

                                               MTU MAINTENANCE             GEARING UP
                                                                           Asian LCCs continue to add
                                                                 17        aircraft to their fleets

                                                   INTERVIEW:              37
                                                    AERO NORWAY
                                                                           CAPACITY BUILDING

                                                                20         Several mega airport projects
                                                                           announced in Asia are set to
                                           BIRD’S EYE VIEW                 come into service in the next
                                      Aircraft inspection with UAVs        decade
                                        are becoming popular with
                                                  airlines and MROs

         4 | July/August/September 2019                                            WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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