Page 25 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2021 Online Magazine
P. 25


        GLOBAL MEDICAL RESPONSE                                                these new aircraft, our fleet grows

        TO BUY UP TO 44 NEW                                                    stronger and more capable to save
                                                                               lives when it matters most.”
        HELICOPTERS FROM AIRBUS                                                GMR is one of the largest operators
                                                                               of Airbus helicopters, delivering care
                                                                               through multiple operating brands,
                                            months alone, GMR has taken deliv-  including Air Evac Lifeteam, Guardian
                                            ery of 15 Airbus helicopters.      Flight, Med-Trans Corp., and REACH
                                                                               Air Medical Services. These opera-
                                            “WE FLY A VARIETY OF               tions transported more than 125,000
                                            AIRBUS PRODUCTS, BUT THE           patients in 2020.
                                            MAIN THING THEY HAVE IN
                                            COMMON – AND THE MOST              “THE AIR MEDICAL MISSION
                                            IMPORTANT THING WE LOOK            DEMANDS HIGH AVAILABILITY
                                            FOR IN OUR CRITICAL CARE           RATES. THE H125 AND H130
                                            TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS – IS           SET THE STANDARD IN THE
        Global Medical Response (GMR)  RELIABILITY,” said Rob Hamilton,        SINGLE-ENGINE SEGMENT,
        has ordered 21 Airbus helicopters  president of the GMR Alliances      AND THE H135 HAS STOOD
        from the H125, H130 and H135 fami-  Group.                             OUT IN THE TWIN-ENGINE
        lies, with options to include up to an                                 SEGMENT THANKS TO ITS
        additional 23 helicopters, bringing  “Our Airbus fleet allows us to    CONSISTENT RELIABLE
        the total order potential up to 44  respond quickly and transport      PERFORMANCE IN THIS
        helicopters.                        critical patients with the         MISSION,” said Romain Trapp,
                                            appropriate level of care to give   president of Airbus Helicopters,
        GMR currently has a fleet of nearly  them the absolute best chance     Inc. and head of the North America
        133 Airbus helicopters. In the past 18  of survival. With the addition of   region.

                                                                               The G800 offers customers the lon-
        GULFSTREAM INTRODUCES  gest range in the Gulfstream fleet with
        G-800 AND G-400                                                        its 8,000-nautical-mile/14,816-ki-
                                                                               lometer range at Mach 0.85 and
                                            first new entrant to the large-cabin   7,000-nm/12,964-km range at
                                            class in more than a decade. G800   Mach 0.90. Powered by high-thrust
                                            customer deliveries are anticipated   Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engines and
                                            to begin in 2023 while G400 deliv-  the Gulfstream-designed wing and
                                            eries are set to begin in 2025.  “For   winglet introduced on the Gulfstream
                                            more than six decades, Gulfstream   G700. The aircraft is designed to seat
                                            has led the business aviation industry   up to 19 passengers and offers up to
                                            with our commitment to continuous   four living areas or three living areas
                                            improvement and by consistently    with crew compartment.
                                            setting new standards for safety,
                                            performance, innovation and com-   The G400 ramps up environmen-
                                            fort,” said Mark Burns, president,   tal performance by reducing fuel
                                                                               consumption, emissions and noise
                                            “TODAY MARKS A MAJOR               through its use of Gulfstream’s
                                                                               aerodynamic clean-wing design and
                                            MILESTONE AND INVESTMENT           advanced Pratt & Whitney PW812GA
                                            IN OUR COMPANY’S FUTURE            engines. The aircraft will fly 4,200
                                            WITH THE INTRODUCTION              nm/7,778 km at its long-range cruise
                                            OF THE G800, OUR FASTEST           speed of Mach 0.85. Three floorplans

        Gulfstream has introduced two       LONGEST-RANGE AIRCRAFT             are offered, with options for seat-
        all-new aircraft: the G800 and the   YET, AND THE G400, THE            ing up to nine, 11 or 12 passengers.
        Gulfstream G400. While the G800     INDUSTRY’S FIRST NEW               The aircraft provides the signature
        is the longest-range aircraft in  LARGE-CABIN AIRCRAFT IN              Gulfstream Cabin Experience and 10
        Gulfstream history, the G400 is the  MORE THAN A DECADE.”              Gulfstream panoramic oval windows.

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