Page 4 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
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                        YEAR                       EDITOR’S NOTE

                 CREDIT                          Poised For Take-Off

                     LINE                        Players big and small in the global commercial aviation industry are set

                                                 to end 2022 in a far better state of mind than when the year began.
                                                 Although there are headwinds in the form of rising inflation and supply
                       Publisher                 chain issues, aviation is well on its way to touching pre-pandemic levels
                 Vittorio Rossi Prudente         sometime during 2023, earlier than what was expected when recovery

                      Jay Menon                  The lifting of international travel restrictions across most of the Asia
                   Pacific  region, including northeast Asia where travel restrictions
                                                 remained in place longer than in any other part of the world, is great
                   Technology Editor             news for the industry. The total number of international passengers
                     Atul Chandra                carried by airlines in the region during the first ten months of the year
                touched 74 million, a 472 per cent increase compared to the
                                                 corresponding period in 2021. As the number of international travellers
                   Managing Editor               spikes, one can expect airports in the region to get even busier in 2023.
                   Arun Sivasankaran
           The air cargo sector, which saved aviation from total disaster during
                                                 the pandemic, has however come down from the spectacular heights
                     Contributors                of 2021 and is expected to have a tough start to the year.
                   Yulian Ardiansyah
           Among the most significant developments in the industry during the
                                                 current year are the strides aviation took towards the goal of net-zero
                      Art Director               emissions  by 2050.   While Airbus  has  been  conducting feasibility
                 Sudheesh Kularmunda             studies and laboratory tests on a megawatt-class fuel-cell engine and
         demonstrator that could be flight-tested by the middle of this decade,
                                                 Embraer is making progress on its Energia concepts and has chosen to
                     Web Director
                     Elmer Valencia              focus  on  two 19–30-seater designs for hybrid-electric and
              hydrogen-electric propulsion. Boeing, meanwhile, has committed to
                                                 having a hydrogen-powered jet ready for entry into service by 2035.
                    Director of Sales            Adding to the excitement is the increasing use of sustainable aviation
                  Akshay Satyamurthy             fuel (SAF) by carriers.
                                                 As  another busy year draws  to a close, we would  like to thank our
                  Cover Image Credit             readers as well as friends in the industry for supporting our efforts to
                    Airbus SAS 2022              keep quality journalism alive. GBP Aerospace & Defence will be at a
           Alexandre Doumenjou - Master Films    number of prominent tradeshows in 2023, bringing all the major news
                                                 from the world of commercial aviation, including air cargo and MRO.
                                                 Log on to to access  our growing range of digital
              Advertising Contacts:              content that includes news, interviews, and analysis of topical issues.
                                                 Happy Holidays!
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                and all other countries:         Asian Airlines & Aerospace
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                 India + South East Asia        Global Business Press Pte.Ltd.
                  Akshay Satyamurthy            ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE
                 Mob: +919980080246             30 Cecil Street,
                                                #19-08 Prudential Tower, Singapore 049712
                                                Tel: +65 6850 5269 | Fax: +65 6438 2436
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        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE is a bi-monthly publication for professionals working in all sectors of the airline, airport and related
        industries. Opinions expressed by contributors in ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or
        editor. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form in whole or in part without the written express consent of
        the publishers.
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