Page 13 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 13

by  spring  of  2023.  Project  team  partners  users in the airspace, improving safety and cybersecurity, and
        include ANRA Technologies, AX Enterprize,  interoperability between the stakeholders involved.
        Cal Analytics, Oneida County Sheriff’s Office,
        Oneida Indian Nation, and OneSky. Each of    A DLT allows thousands of independent computers to share over-
        these partners were selected based on their   sight of the history of data (who did what and when). The system
        leadership  in  Uncrewed  Aircraft  Systems   includes ‘smart contracts’, controls over user actions backed
        (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) technology    up by coded security. Artificial Intelligence will enhance cyber-
        and their willingness to continue to progress   security measures for the DLTs, allowing for constant real-time
        the state of the technology. The partners    data collection, processing and authorisation during operations.
        are an essential part of conducting the test-
        ing necessary to evaluate the ability of new   Automation and Autonomy Will
        constructs  to  enhance  the  capabilities  of
        UTM for future operations. Test infrastruc- Unlock Huge Benefits
        ture updated through field testing activities
        will allow for the continued collaboration   Report coordinator, Dr Dimitrios Panagiotakopoulos, Senior
        between the FAA and UTM community and        Lecturer in Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Traffic Management
        support the maturation of a UTM ecosystem.   at Cranfield University, said: “Human operators in traditional
                                                     ATM are already facing high workloads and a deluge of data
        The project will provide the FAA and industry  from different information systems, flight planning, radar and
        with information to support policy develop-  weather. The current approach isn’t scalable to meet the needs
        ment and will help industry update standards  of a more complex and demanding hybrid airspace of crewed
        to  support  BVLOS  operations  –  a  critical  and uncrewed traffic.
        element in unlocking the true potential of
        routine, commercial drone operations.        “To access the huge potential benefits of a new kind of airspace
                                                     there has to be more automation and autonomy — but that
        According  to  a  PWC  and  UKRI  report  in  can only happen with watertight systems and a shared sense
        2021, uncrewed and autonomous aviation  of trust.”
        will unlock £42 billion for the UK economy
        by 2030 through cost-savings, productivity   Yann Cabaret, CEO of SITA FOR AIRCRAFT said: “Not dissimilar
        gains and new jobs.                          to the wider air transport industry, the successful introduction
                                                     of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems will rely heavily on secure data
        A new report — published in June this year  exchange between operators, airports and air traffic manage-
        — sets out how collaboration in the avia-    ment. Through this research partnership we are confident that
        tion industry can increase the much-needed  using DLTs will improve the flow of actionable data between
        levels of automation and autonomy in ATM,  transportation stakeholders to support the efficient and safe
        and meet safety standards for uncrewed traf-  operation of unmanned aircraft in future. At SITA, we have
        fic being set out by the International Civil  already demonstrated the benefits of DLT in tracking aircraft
        Aviation Organisation. With this established,  parts to sharing operational data at the airport. This is a natural
        elements of a hybrid airspace are predicted  extension of that work.”
        to be in place from 2024.
                                                     Cross-Sector Collaboration Vital
        Increasing Transparency                      for Hybrid Airspace

        and Trust
                                                     The development of an UTM system using cross-cutting technol-
        The new picture of a working UTM under-      ogies—Distributed Ledgers and Artificial Intelligence— proposes
        pinned  by  blockchain-style  technology,  a new governance framework that sets a series of rules for those
        has been based on a research partnership     stakeholders participating in a distributing ledger, so that they
        between  13  consortium  partners,  includ-  can provide and receive data and services in a trustworthy envi-
        ing Cranfield, Heathrow Airport, IAG, NATS,   ronment. It also highlights the need for modernisation of ATM to
        SITA, Cirium and Oxford University as well   allow for interoperability between UTM and ATM: making ATM
        as UK-based startups and small-to-medium     and UTM information accessible to all relevant stakeholders.
                                                     Dr Panagiotakopoulos said, “We only have one way forward
        Progress to the creation of a UTM will be    when it comes to delivering the transformation needed, and
        accelerated by the use of a package of tech-  that is cross-sector collaboration. A common vision and com-
        nologies that increase levels of transparency   munications are needed between the UTM service and digital
        and trust, the report said.                  infrastructure providers, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle operators,

        In particular, Distributed Ledger Technologies  physical infrastructure providers, ATM service providers, regu-
        (DLTs) — similar to the blockchain technol-  lators, local and regional authorities, and all the stakeholders
        ogy — can be used to ensure there is secure  that might have some point of interaction with this new aviation
        registration and identification of the different  ecosystem.”

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                   SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2022 | 13
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