Page 19 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
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optimize fuel use and minimize the carbon footprint of each
flight. RouteSync automatically synchronizes, monitors and
records flight route data between an airline’s operation center
and the aircraft’s flight management computer. Using this solu-
tion, pilots become aware of the best routes to reduce fuel
consumption based on wind and temperature.
The company’s Wind Updates software helps pilots support
in-flight decisions that will help optimize aircraft operations
and improve fuel efficiency. Wind Updates can help reduce fuel
consumption by hundreds of pounds of fuel per flight. FliteDeck
Pro contributes to sustainability by offering a digital alternative
to paper charts, which reduces weight in the aircraft and lowers
pounds per airplane. These changes have waste.
contributed to the aircraft’s fuel-efficiency
and emissions reduction. “Recycled and recy- SAF for the Future
clable materials have been developed into Boeing partnered with the NASA Langley Research Center in
new offerings like carpets that are available October 2021, to test the emissions of SAF on its 2021 eco-
for selection by airlines,” the spokesperson Demonstrator, which is an Alaska Airlines 737-9 MAX. The
said ecoDemonstrator programme has significantly benefitted the
Boeing has also set aggressive goals to industry as a whole with its long history testing sustainable
address its greenhouse gas emissions and aviation fuel (SAF).
has made aggressive efforts at, conserving In December 2021, a Boeing 737 MAX 8 jet operated by United
energy and water, and reducing hazardous Airlines, made history, when it made the first commercial flight
waste and solid waste going to landfill. The with passengers on board using 100 per cent drop-in SAF for
airframer, procures renewable electricity one of the aircraft’s two engines. The aircraft made the flight
(solar, wind and hydropower), to power its with 115 passengers on board. The United demonstration flight
factory in Renton, Washington, where the 737 operated one of the plane’s two engines on 100 per cent conven-
MAX is built, as well as other locations. “As tional jet fuel and the other one on 100 per cent SAF — about
a result, our Renton facility operates on 100 500 gallons in each engine.
percent renewable energy with the goal of
reaching 100 percent across the enterprise The SAF used by the United Airlines on its 737 MAX 8 jet was
by 2030. Boeing is also focused on weaving “drop-in” ready. Drop-in SAF is interchangeable with conven-
sustainability into our product life cycle, from tional Jet A and Jet A-1 fuel and requires no modifications to
design to end of product life,” the spokesper- either the aircraft engine or airframe. This also makes it com-
son added. patible with the existing commercial fleet and the existing fuel
Digital Savings distribution and storage infrastructure.
SAF can reduce life-cycle CO2 emissions by up to 80 per cent and
The use of Boeing digital tools on jetliners has the potential to eliminate further emissions in the future.
such as the 737 MAX help customers uncover However, so far, only approximately less than 1 per cent of
cost and efficiency savings that reduce fuel the fuel consumed in aviation is SAF. Boeing is working across
consumption, track emissions and improve the industry to increase the use and supply of SAF, including a
overall operations. By leveraging data, airline commitment to deliver 100 per cent SAF-capable commercial
operators can plan the most efficient route, airplanes by 2030.
optimize flight planning, provide real-time
weather and traffic information to pilots, and
establish more direct routings. At present,
Boeing is offering more than 20 digital solu-
tions that help customers improve fuel and
flight efficiency, with more in development.
Boeing’s FliteDeck Advisor analyzes air-
plane-specific performance metrics for all
Boeing aircraft, including changes over time
with aircraft age and maintenance action.
The tool enables flight crews to make small,
real-time adjustments to their airspeed to