Page 14 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 14
Aerospace Diamond Business seats, 24 Premium Economy widebody fleet comprising 27
Class seats. In January 2021, seats and 132 Economy Class Boeing B787-8 and 13 B777 air-
Vistara became the world’s seats. The new Business cabins craft at a cost of over US$400
first airline to launch Arc, have 40-inch ergonomic seats million. The cabin modernisation
Panasonic Avionics’ new, state- with deep 7-inch recline, an effort has unfortunately been
of-the-art, 3D inflight map adjustable armrest, footrest and delayed with the first aircraft yet
application. Vistara upgraded the backrest, a tray table deployed to be upgraded. Air India will
map application on its Boeing at the push of a button that now be able to begin the cabin
787-9 Dreamliner aircraft and includes a PED holder and upgrade on this fleet only next
Airbus A321neo aircraft as well. is extendable and multiple year.
charging ports. The all-new
Premium Economy Premium Economy seats have Air India’s legacy fleet fea-
a wider 32-inch seat pitch with tured interiors from Italian firm
In June, Air India unveiled a a 4-inch recline, a four-way Aviointeriors on its older B777s,
three class configuration on its headrest, and other amenities
newly inducted A320neo aircraft. such as a PED holder and USB while its 28 aircraft B787-8 fleet,
which was inducted in to ser-
This is the first time that Air India charging port. The Economy
is offering Premium Economy seats have a 28-29-inch seat vice starting 2012 were fitted
with Business Class seats from
cabins on its narrowbody air- pitch, 4-inch recline and feature
craft. “The introduction of a a PED holder, tray table, USB UK based Contour Aerospace
and Economy Class seats from
three-class cabin to Air India’s charging port and a coat hook.
narrowbody fleet and com- The seats in all three cabins Weber Aircraft.
mencement of interior refits are have been provided by Collins
important steps in the journey of Aerospace. These aircraft will receive a
enhancing the flying experience. complete overhaul to their
The upgrade of the narrowbody The carrier has stated that it has existing cabin interiors, including
fleet, which operates on domes- plans to introduce the three- the addition of latest generation
tic and short-haul international class configuration to its entire seats and best in-class inflight
network, complements the full service narrowbody fleet over entertainment across all classes.
upgraded widebody experience the next year. Existing aircraft A Premium Economy cabin
now available on our A350 fleet are now being progressively will also be introduced on both
and new B777s, and on all other inducted for refit, while new fleets, while Air India will retain
widebodies as they are refitted aircraft joining the fleet will be the First Class cabin on its 777s.
over the next two years. This delivered with the new Air India Air India has opted for Thales’
comprehensive upgradation experience. AVANT Up IFE solution for these
of Air India’s physical product aircraft. London-based product
is an important component of Cabin Revamp design companies, JPA Design
transforming into a world-class and Trendworks have been
airline,” said Campbell Wilson, A Government run airline for contracted by Air India to assist
Chief Executive Officer & decades, Air India was plagued with the cabin interior design
Managing Director, Air India. by insufficient funding and elements of this refurbishment
mounting losses, which resulted programme.
These aircraft will offer a in its long-haul fleet cabins
Business Class, all-new deteriorating into an unsatis- Air India also has least 11 new
Premium Economy and a new factory condition. These creaky widebody aircraft with brand
Economy cabin experience on old cabins remain a major new interiors on lease. Five
Air India’s domestic and short- source of customer dissatis- of these aircraft are ex-Delta
haul international routes. The faction and Air India decided Airlines B777-200 LRs, while
carrier announced that it had that a complete interior refit the remaining six are ex-Etihad
refitted two new A320neo air- on its older fleet was the best B777-300ERs. These aircraft
craft – VT-RTW and VT-RTZ way forward. In December feature modern interiors and
– in a three-class configuration 2022, Air India, announced it have been well received by Air
featuring eight Business Class would refurbish its entire legacy
India customers.