Page 16 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 16

with 8.7% year-on-year demand       because of the pandemic,            more lines being opened up
        growth.                             peaked in 2023, with more           means more conversions,” says
                                            than 120 narrowbody conver-         McDonald. “But 79 aircraft in a

        Aircraft Retirements                sions and about 60 widebody         year’ that is nearly half the 737-
                                            conversions happening in the        400 freighter fleet in one year.
        With belly capacity returning       year. According to IBA, the         There is only so much demand
        and air cargo yields expected       conversion market is settling       out there for aircraft. If you con-
        to soften, industry players have    back down to pre-Covid norms.       tinue to convert that number of
        been treading cautiously, with      As expected, narrowbody con-        aircraft, you are going to flood
        a number of freighter aircraft      versions dominate the market,       the market with too many air-
        being parked or stored. In June     with the 737-800 BCF the clear      craft. At some point, reality will
        this year, FedEx, announced         leader. There were 80 narrow-       set in.”
        that it had permanently retired     body conversions in 2021 and a
        twenty-two B757-200(SF) and         few more the next year, but a 50
        seven related engines. The          % increase last year was some-      The 767-300ER has a com-
        company, the largest cargo          thing that caught even industry     manding position among
        airline in the world by fleet size   experts by surprise.               widebody converted freighters,
        and freight tons flown, had                                             but change is on the horizon.
        earlier announced retirement        Although the 737-800 BCF is         “767-300ER conversions offered
        of nine MD-11Fs, which it uses      expected to maintain its lead       by Boeing and IAI have com-
        predominantly for its domestic      in the narrowbody segment,          manded the widebody market
        operations. FedEx plans to move  A321200 P2Fs are expected              until now but with feedstock now
        on from the MD-11F by the end       to cut into the lead significantly   becoming very constrained, cus-
        of 2028, with nine MD-11Fs each  going forward, especially as           tomers are moving to A330 P2F
        to be retired in 2025, 2027, and    feedstock becomes available.        conversions,” says McDonald.
        2028, and ten in 2026. UPS,         The conversions of 737 clas-
        which retired six MD-11Fs from      sics and 757-200, which have        Changing Landscape
        its fleet in 2023, will retire nine   petered down to a trickle, are
        more of the type this year as part  expected to conclude soon. The      The large widebody freighter
        of its plan to overhaul its fleet   conversion of regional jets and     market landscape is expected to
        with younger freighters.            turboprops, which had seen an       wear a different look by the end
                                            increase in 2021, has slowed        of the decade with a number of
        Both FedEx and UPS are mod-         down and the trend is expected      new products on the horizon.
        ernizing their fleets with younger  to continue.                        Three 777-300ER conversion
        freighters. While FedEX intends                                         programs – IAI, Mammoth and
        to add eleven B767-300Fs in         Flooding the Market                 KMC- are underway. Mammoth
        2025 and three in 2026; it also                                         is also undertaking a 777-200
        has options to acquire an addi-     The 737-800 BCF has seen an         LR P2F conversion while both
        tional 43 freighters of the type.   unprecedented number of con-        Airbus and Boeing are develop-
        The company is also expected        versions since 2017, with 79        ing new freighters. The A350F is
        to add two B777Fs in 2025 and       conversions in 2023 alone. The      expected to enter the market in
        has options for an additional 23.   global 737-800 P2F fleet grew       2025-2026, with the Boeing 777-
        UPS, meanwhile, will replace        to 200 aircraft in six years since   8F. expected to follow a couple
        the MD-11Fs with 767 freighters,    the first conversion of the type;   of years later.
        and in 2023 took delivery of six    in comparison, it took 15 years
        new 767-300Fs from Boeing. It       for the 757-200 P2F and 767-        Although Boeing is currently
        also has 21more of the produc-      300ER P2F fleets 15 years to        in pole position in the freighter
        tion freighters on order.           reach this size. Supply is starting  market, Airbus is expected to
                                            to outstrip demand for the 737-     significantly cut into the lead

        Conversions Hit Peak                800 BCF.                            in the future. “Moving forward,
                                                                                Airbus has the wider customer
        Passenger to freight (P2F)          “There are more and more lines      base when it comes to new con-
        conversions, which accelerated      opening up, and you would think  versions,” says McDonald.

        16 | MAY - JULY 2024                                                                 WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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