Page 28 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 28
C-390 Millennium project and its belief in the
export potential of the aircraft.
The FAB’s decision comes at a time when
Embraer is making considerable progress in
the development of the programme. In April this
year, the company announced the successful [ AIR SYSTEMS ]
conclusion of the aerial refueling qualifica-
tion between two KC-390 Millennium aircraft.
According to the company, the in-flight refuel-
ling capacity between two aircraft of the same
model using inflight refuelling underwing “pods”
is unique in the category. This allows KC-390
Millennium operators to increase the autonomy
and range of their missions.
Catching the Eye
Banking on Embraer has received two export orders for
the airlifter, from launch international customer
Portugal for five aircraft and from Hungary for
two. The five aircraft for Portugal are currently
in the production line and is expected to be in
Quality service in 2023. Announcing the contract with
Hungary in November last year, the company
said two KC-390 Millennium airlifters would be
delivered to the Hungarian Air Force (HuAF)
between 2023 and 2024, The airlifter for
Hungary, the first in the world with an Intensive
Care Unit in its configuration, will be used for a
DESPITE THE BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE REDUCING variety of military and civilian missions includ-
ITS ORDER FOR THE KC-390 MILLENNIUM, ing humanitarian support, medical evacuation,
EMBRAER REMAINS CONFIDENT ABOUT THE search and rescue, cargo and troops trans-
port, and precision cargo drop. Argentina,
EXPORT POTENTIAL OF THE AIRLIFTER Chile, Colombia, the Czech Republic have also
expressed interest in acquiring the KC-390,
Arun Sivasankaran but no contracts have been signed. Another
potential area of interest is the Asia Pacific;
the aircraft has been presented to the armed
The Brazilian air force - Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) being forced services of several countries in the region.
to reduce its order for the Embraer KC-390 Millennium airlifter is a
setback for Embraer, but the aircraft is expected to find new takers The capabilities of the C-390 Millennium were
in the international market due to its unique capabilities and the among the main reasons why Boeing signed
glowing reviews it has received from its current operator. a joint venture agreement with Embraer to
promote and develop new markets for the air-
The FAB decision to trim its order for the airlifter – the reduced craft. With its global presence and marketing
number has not been revealed - was forced on it by the budgetary muscle, Boeing would have helped the aircraft
constraints that the country has had to grapple with because of the find new takers, but the agreement collapsed
Covid-19 pandemic. In a notification on May 26, the service, which in the wake of the pandemic, causing a serious
had ordered 28 KC-390s, said that the order “has proved to be dent in the export prospects of the airlifter. A
superior to the budgetary reality of the Force, both for acquisition joint project between FAB and Embraer, the
and for logistical support over time.” C-390 Millennium and KC-390 Millennium fly
faster and carry more cargo than any other
The silver lining for Embraer comes in the firm of a ringing endorse- military freighter in the same category and
ment of the aircraft by FAB, which will continue to support the are ideal platforms for humanitarian, tactical
programme. The service said that its KC-390s were performing and strategic operations. The C-390 and the
excellently in early operations, posting “exceptional rates of avail- KC-390 Millennium require fewer on-demand
ability and dispatchability, resulting in a much higher capacity in inspections and maintenance, Excellent avail-
volume and agility in the transportation of cargo and personnel.” ability levels and low life-cycle costs are among
The company, meanwhile, has reiterated its commitment to the the other key features of the aircraft.
28 | June/July 2021 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT