Page 32 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 32

Orders on Hand                                                 MICA (VL MICA) air defence system, which
        MBDA has already received orders for a total 567 MICA NGs.  has been ordered by 15 land and naval forces
        The latest order for 367 was received by MBDA from the French  around the globe. “MICA NG represents a step
        Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) in March and an earlier order  change against the current version of MICA,
        for 200 missiles was placed in late 2018.  Deliveries for the first  while keeping the same mechanical charac-
        order of 200 missiles start from 2026 and delivery of the second  teristic and remaining fully compatible with
        batch of 367 missiles will take place between 2028 and 2031.  existing launchers. Its dual pulse motor allows
        France has also placed order for supply of 150 Mica NG force train-  an efficient range of 40 km in surface-to-air   [ MISSILE  SYSTEMS ]
        ing vehicles. MBDA has also received orders for the pyrotechnic  firings.  The  missiles’  two  different  seekers,
        renovation of 300 current MICA missiles in service with the French  are entirely new technologies (an Imaging IR
        Armed Forces. This will extend their service life until 2030 and the  seeker based on a focal plan array and an
        missiles can be carried on all French Rafales, Mirage 2000-5 and  Active Electronically Scanned Antenna RF
        upgraded Mirage 2000Ds. The French Armed Forces were to have  seeker) providing outstanding performance
        commenced phasing out of their existing MICA missiles starting in  and a comfortable margin against electronic
        2018 and ending by 2030.                                       counter measures from the adversary,” a com-
                                                                       pany spokesperson tells ADT.
        The MICA could be fired at targets behind the aircraft using a target
        designation transmitted over link 16 from another aircraft and the  MBDA is also developing a new generation
        IR version could also act as an infrared watch sensor, allowing the  of coastal batteries under the MCDS (Missile
        launch aircraft to detect IR missile attacks. The DGA had placed  Coastal  Defence  System)  programme  for
        orders for at least 1,100 MICA missiles with deliveries completed  export customers.
        by 2012 and Approximately half of the 1,110 MICAs ordered were
        split between MICA EM and MICA IR. The MICA missile entered  “AS WE ENJOY A SIGNIFICANT
        service in 1997 as a replacement for the Matra MAGIC II missile   PORTFOLIO OF ANTI-SHIP
        and Matra Super 530 D AAMs. The MICA is assembled at MBDA’s    MISSILES, WE HAVE DEVELOPED
        industrial site in Selles-Saint-Denis (Loir-et-Cher).
                                                                       A PARTICULARLY FLEXIBLE
        New Variants                                                   SYSTEM THAT CAN OPERATE
        Along with MICA NG, MBDA is proceeding with the development  VARIOUS MISSILES AT VARIOUS
        of a Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) variant. It will offer the new   RANGES, ALLOWING THE
        missile in combination with its highly successful Vertical Launch
                                                                       CUSTOMER TO OPTIMISE ITS
                                                                       DEFENCE ACCORDINGLY WITH THE
                                                                       GEOGRAPHY OF ITS MARITIME
                                                                       APPROACHES. MCDS CAN OPERATE
                                                                       MARTE MK2/N (30 KM CLASS),
                                                                       MARTE ER (100 KM CLASS) AND/
                                                                       OR EXOCET MM40 BLOCK 3 (200

                                                                       KM CLASS),” the spokesperson said.

                                                                       Real Partnership
                                                                       The MICA NG programme will cost an esti-
                                                                       mated 1.8 billion euros with the industry
                                                                       undertaking a greater share of the develop-
                                                                       ment costs. Thales, Safran and Roxel are also
                                                                       participating in the programme working on
                                                                       the seeker and propulsion.  While the French
                                                                       Government has reduced its investment in
                                                                       the missile’s development its contribution will
                                                                       ensure it receives royalties on missile sales as
                                                                       well as a mechanism for reducing the price of
                                                                       missiles acquired by France according to the
                                                                       number of missiles produced for export. The
                                                                       non-dependence of MICA NG on International
                                                                       Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) also makes
                                                                       it likely, that it will enjoy strong export sales just
                                                                       as its predecessor did.

        32 | June/July 2021                                                        WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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