Page 38 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 38
He added that the radar's antenna is of the "fin" type installed on
the upper part of the aircraft cabin. "This configuration gives a 240
degrees coverage"
Izhakian said that compared to the price level this AEW aircraft
gives "superior performance" equal and even better that such sys-
tems with double the price.
The Elta official said that the P600 AEW addresses the growing [ AIR SYSTEMS ]
market of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capabil-
ities for countries that require cost-effective, high-performance
and flexible solutions for defense and homeland security missions.
The Embraer Praetor 600 is the best performing super-midsize
bizjet in its category, offering intercontinental range with an out-
A new design of an AEW aircraft is offered now standing payload capability, high availability and reliability, short
by Elta the electronics division of Israel aero- turn-around and low life cycle costs. Coupled with ELTA’s superior
space industries (IAI) and Embraer. The new radar technology, the P600 AEW offers the benefits of cutting edge,
design is based on Elta's advanced radars and proven systems and provides capabilities available until now only
other combat sensors and the capabilities of on much larger platforms.
Embraer's Praetor 600 business aircraft.
IAI/ELTA offers four lines of Special
According to Avishai Izhakian, deputy general
manager, airborne systems and radar divi- Mission Aircraft:
sion, of Elta, the P600 AEW can provide an AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) Aircraft utilizing
extended Air Situational Picture by monitoring AESA radar and IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe), SIGINT and
aerial activity in areas outside ground radar Communication systems to generate and disseminate an Air
coverage. It can perform various missions such and Maritime Situational Picture. It also contains an Air Battle
as Air Defense, Early Warning, Command and Management and Strike Aircraft Guidance System. ELTA’s CAEW
Control, Fighter Fleet Efficiency, Territorial (Conformal Airborne Early Warning) aircraft is fitted with a dual
Defense, and Maritime Surveillance. The P600 band AESA radar providing complete uncompromised 360∞ azi-
AEW can be configured with the full range of muthal coverage and is an example of a leading in the class system
AEW&C sensor and control systems: Digital based on a business jet. IAI has entered into cooperation agree-
AESA AEW Radar, civil and military IFF, ESM/ ments with Airbus and Embraer to develop and market additional
ELINT with Radar Warning Receiver capability, AEW&C aircraft variants.
Command & Control, comprehensive commu-
nication suite including Data Networks and AGS (Air to Ground Surveillance) aircraft using advanced AESA
Satellite Links, and a robust Self Protection SAR/GMTI radar, SIGINT and EO/IR sensors and an Intelligence
Suite (SPS). Management System to cover large areas, providing Real-time
detection, identification, tracking and distribution of surface tar-
gets from standoff range in all weather and visibility conditions. A
leading product in this category is the IAI MARS2 that includes a
breakthrough Digital AESA SAR/GMTI radar and latest generation
SIGINT integrated with an advanced Multi-INT system, carried by
a high performance business jet.
MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) equipped with high performance
AESA radar, SIGINT and EO/IR sensors to create an up-to-date
maritime picture during Search And Rescue missions, Maritime
policing, Environmental Monitoring, Anti Surface Warfare (ASuW)
and Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) in support of Naval and Coast
Guard operations. ELTA’s MPAs are based on business jets and
turboprop platforms featuring the world leader combat proven
ELM-2022 radar family, serving in many countries on all continents.
SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) aircraft monitoring the electromag-
netic spectrum to detect and accurately locate emitter arrays and
communication networks, creating a complete Electromagnetic
Order of Battle over the entire large arena of interest. ELTA has
developed and provided most advanced SIGINT aircraft to the IDF
on business jet platform and supplied airborne SIGINT systems to
many Special Mission Aircraft worldwide.
38 | January/February 2022 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT