Page 34 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 34

Centre of                                                      observers with latest air power in the arse-  [ SPOTLIGHT ]
                                                                       nals of leading air forces and product lines
                                                                       of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).
                                                                       The indoor and outdoor exhibition space
                                                                       encompassing a total of 59,400 sqm will host
        Attraction                                                     hundreds of exhibitors from the elites of the
                                                                       global defense industry

                                                                       A CENTREPIECE OF THE EXHIBITION,
                                                                       THE FLYING DISPLAY PROGRAMME,
                                                                       WILL ACTIVATE THE SHOW’S
                                                                       2.7KM-LONG AND 50M-WIDE
         SAUDI ARABIA’S FIRST-EVER DEFENCE                             RUNWAY
         FIRMS                                                         Business as Usual
                                                                       According to a recent industry report by the
           Jay Menon                                                   U.S.-Saudi Business Council, the biggest market
                                                                       for aircraft parts in the region is in Saudi Arabia
                                                                       – and defence trade shows are serving as a cat-
                                                                       alyst for this market. At the UAE’s International
                                                                       Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) last
                                                                       year, Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI)
                                                                       inked an agreement with US defense prime
                                                                       Lockheed Martin to set-up a joint venture to
                                                                       domestically produce helicopters, fixed-wing
                                                                       aircrafts, and missile defense systems, among
                                                                       other pursuits.

                                                                       In line with the show’s credo that industry-wide
                                                                       collaboration spurs innovation, World Defence
                                                                       Show has expanded exhibitor participation
                                                                       beyond the traditional circle of defense primes
                                                                       and majors to include SMEs and start-ups. The
                                                                       show has put in place a series of tailored net-
        The inaugural World Defence Show (WDS) in Riyadh from 6-9  working programs to enable A&D companies
        March will demonstrate latest interoperable technologies and  – both large and small – to leverage opportuni-
        explore future industry trends. In modern conflicts, air remains one  ties at every level of the Kingdom’s expanding
        of the most critical domains in combating increasingly sophisticated  value chains.
        and complex threats. To strengthen its military readiness, Saudi
        Arabia, historically a major importer of military aircraft and weapons
        systems, has turned its attention to localizing the manufacture of   Show Attraction
        defence capabilities.                                          Furthermore, one of World Defence Show’s
                                                                       key attractions, Meet the Kingdom of Saudi
                                                                       Arabia  (KSA)  Government  Programme,  will
        A New Beginning                                                grant international and regional exhibitors
        Now, building on a series of milestone agreements signed by the  access to Saudi Arabia’s key decision-makers
        Kingdom’s General Authority for Military Industries and Saudi  to explore opportunities in the local defence
        Arabian Military Industries, Saudi Arabia is set to host World  ecosystem. Dozens of defence and aerospace
        Defence Show – the newest fully-integrated entrant to the inter-  giants have registered to exhibit at the show –
        national defence show circuit. Across four trade show days from  from Boeing to GE Aviation – demonstrating no
        March 6-9 in Riyadh, the scale of integration among all five domains  shortage of interest in supporting the localiza-
        – air, land, sea, space, and cyber – will be brought to life in virtual  tion of the Kingdom’s military capabilities. Trade
        simulations, static displays and live demonstrations.          visitors have until February to register for the
                                                                       show. Registrants will receive a complimentary
        A centrepiece of the exhibition, the Flying Display Programme,  multi-entry visa, valid for one year – allowing for
        will activate the show’s 2.7km-long and 50m-wide runway to stun  connections to extend beyond the show days.

        34 | January/February 2022                                                 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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