Page 4 - ADT MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 4

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                        YEAR                       EDITOR’S NOTE

                     LINE                        Not Business As Usual

                                                 Even as the world finally sees light at the end of the tunnel after the
                                                 pandemic, Russian military aggression against Ukraine threatens to
                        Editor                   spread darkness all over again. The attack, and Ukraine’s lack of a
                  Vittorio Rossi Prudente        modern air defence system, has brought into focus the importance of
                                                 an effective multi-layered missile defence system for countries,
                     Deputy Editor               especially those in regions riddled with tensions.
                      Jay Menon
                   Defence interoperability has become more than just a buzzword in
                                                 modern military circles. Current day defense challenges are too
                   Technology Editor
                      Atul Chandra               sophisticated and  of such great  scale and scope that no military can
                realistically hope to meet them alone. In such a scenario, success is
                                                 achieved only by militaries embracing interoperability, with other
                    Managing Editor              nations, other government agencies, and even the private sector. At
                   Arun Sivasankaran
           the World Defense Show (WDS), one can expect to learn  more about
                                                 interoperability  trends  as  well  as  see  a  broad  range  end  systems,
                 ASEAN Correspondent             sub-systems and components aligned to global and domestic
                    Yulian Ardiansyah            interoperable defense requirements.
                     Contributors                The pandemic may have slowed down defence spending, but the
                       Arie Egozi                global fighter aircraft market is set to grow at a fast clip as militaries
                                                 invest in augmenting their aggressive capabilities. In the current
                      Art Director               edition, we take a comprehensive look at happenings in the field. With
                   Miamica Khonglah              Qatar and Malaysia eager to add teeth to their militaries, one can
                                                 expect a healthy turnout of defence majors as well as fresh talent at
                     Web Director                DIMDEX and DSA, events that follow WDS in what is a busy month for
                     Elmer Valencia              the defence industry. As usual, GBP Aerospace & Defence’s award
              winning team of journalists will be on site covering the events live.
                                                 Make sure to visit to enjoy our coverage of these
                  Circulation Manager
                   Akshay Satyamurthy

               Advertising Contacts:
                   Europe & Americas             Editor
                 and all other countries:        Asian Defence Technology
                Global Communications sas
                   Tel: +39 049 723548
                 India + South East Asia
                   Akshay Satyamurthy                               Global Business Press Pte.Ltd.
                  Mob: +919980080246                                ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY
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        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY is a bi-monthly publication for diplomats and professionals in the defence, security and academic fields. Opinions
        expressed by the contributors in Asian Defence Technology do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor. © GBP Pte. Ltd. All rights
        reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission

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